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  1. PFSfarmer

    FEED for all?

    Dry in south Texas not a problem now cool in south Texas PROBLEM!. I think my neighbor may have a grinder. Man this is tough......Aint givin up......pondering........
  2. PFSfarmer

    FEED for all?

    That reinventing the wheel thing has me at this point. If I have 4 different species and they make a mix for each species then instead of buying 3-5 different grains we maybe able to just buy 500lbs of 4 different kind of already made mixes. Now how long will it keep. I am thinking as of the...
  3. PFSfarmer

    FEED for all?

    I was kickin this around on another forum or 3 and best I see so far is to have a few bins that will hold 500lbs or so and get wheat, barley, oats, and corn of course all GMO free and then mix your own with a few added little things here and there that you can probably just buy in a bag or...
  4. PFSfarmer

    FEED for all?

    Now theres an idea.
  5. PFSfarmer

    FEED for all?

    Great idea. Can I ask where are you located at and how much land do you have?
  6. PFSfarmer

    FEED for all?

    We have natural growing bermuda and coastal and at times spreads like wild fire. It always seems to do that every where we don want it.
  7. PFSfarmer

    FEED for all?

    They made awesome points! The droughts down here past couple years dang near turned us into a dust bowl. Gettin the base and mixin in the rest seems to be only solution. As far as the pasture I am in the middle of thinning out 14 acres and probably need to narrow down to exactly which...
  8. PFSfarmer

    FEED for all?

    I agree with the 50# is not the way to go for sure. Be nice if there was one feed for all. $480 a ton....That is bout what it is at this place. This place is also 2 hours from me. How close is yours.
  9. PFSfarmer

    FEED for all?

    Might be on to something as far as getting the base blended and then add what ever as needed.
  10. PFSfarmer

    FEED for all?

    Sorta what I had in mind.
  11. PFSfarmer

    FEED for all?

    Just wanted to share a thought. I dunno bout all of you, but when feeding one or hundreds of animals it seems at sometime during the season you are going to buy feed. It maybe winter and everything is covered in a snow blanket or it could be a summer drought turning everything to a dust bowl...
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