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  1. gritsar

    Coop suggestions

    My gander is a tufted american buff. My goose is a mystery. She was ordered as an american buff, but is much more like a brecon buff (the two breeds are very similiar). I chose them for their quietness (they're only noisy when something's amiss or the mail carrier comes), their calmness and...
  2. gritsar

    Coop suggestions

    They are housed together. My pair of geese were brooded with my runner ducks. From the time they were all two weeks old the geese took over the parenting of the ducks. Talk about cute! It doesn't get much cuter than a 2 week old goose attempting to keep 6 ducklings under her wings. They are...
  3. gritsar

    Coop suggestions

    I have raised layers with meat birds (rescues from a commercial house). It makes for twice the work. Meat birds will starve out your layers given half a chance and their droppings are messier, requiring more cleaning. I will never do it again. IMO, waterfowl need seperate housing from...
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