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  1. shoblitz

    Coop suggestions

    I didnt even think of that! I was going to put a removable barrier wall in the coop was thinking more for breeding/hatching purposes. I definitely need to rethink my setup and check out the forum. Would sharing the same yard part of the time be a problem with the ganders as well?
  2. shoblitz

    Coop suggestions

    Sorry I hadnt seen your posts when I replied! Was responding to the post before yours! Thanks for the advice!
  3. shoblitz

    Coop suggestions

    I was planning on just building that a problem?
  4. shoblitz

    Coop suggestions

    So have been researching away trying to decide on the size of the chicken coop and I've read multiple places that 3'squared is adequate floorspace per chicken. So hypothetically an 8x4 coop would be big enough to hold 10 hens...that seems really really that right? I mean if it is yay...
  5. shoblitz

    Coop suggestions

    Thanks! Those are some great pictures/ideas! I actually have drawn up plans that look exactly like that first picture. Now just trying to decide how big to make it!! I will have a pair each of pilgrim and buff geese and a flock of Ancona ducks (3-4hens and a drake) Anys suggestions on what size...
  6. shoblitz

    Coop suggestions

    Great I have actually been trying to find a local breeder of either the American Buff or Pilgrim! Glad to hear they're as great as what I've read!
  7. shoblitz

    Coop suggestions

    Oh Im even more excited about the geese now!!! What breed do you have?
  8. shoblitz

    Coop suggestions

    Thank you so much! It's very helpful there's only one section of the property that stays relatively dry so that will be where the chickens will be! Also the advice about not feeding the ducks in their coop would never have thought of that. You have geese and ducks you say do you house them...
  9. shoblitz

    Coop suggestions

    Happy Happy Joy Joy I finally have the property I've always wanted. This spring is the push to get the sustainable farming venture up and running. There's so many things I want to do but Im trying to refraining from starting it all at once and give myself time to do everything right. I have some...
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