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  1. ThisGuy

    My first house

    I decided to change it up a bit this year, I now have golden comets, bsls, bared rocks, rirs, and nhrs. Composting in the run and the gals are loving it! Also making about 10-20$ a week from local egg sales
  2. ThisGuy

    My first house

    season 2! I'm up to 30 birds now. The coop design worked okay but now I'll be using the whole barn for chickens and quadruple size run with dividers to grow feeder grains and alternate runs.
  3. ThisGuy

    My first house

    Now I'm trying to delete my reply and I can't quite do it. Oh well
  4. ThisGuy

    My first house

    Guess it did post
  5. ThisGuy

    My first house

    Here's a few new pictures of the gals... And guys
  6. ThisGuy

    My first house

    Lol yeah I suppose it does work out that way :-)
  7. ThisGuy

    My first house

    Looks like the last one didn't post
  8. ThisGuy

    My first house

    As promised the pictures from Saturday.
  9. ThisGuy

    My first house

    Well construction is 99% done. Just need a hatch for the chickies to go in and out of the run. Lost 2 babies one died the first night and the other had a bum leg and couldn't walk. I put her down today. The good news is it was in the 50s so we took a trip to the yard to get fresh air. Lots of...
  10. ThisGuy

    My first house

    Thank you everyone for the warm welcomes. I took the day off for medical reasons and decided to use part of that time to work on the coop. I now have 4 nesting boxes and space for 4 more, but not sure if I'll need them all. I also added perches using fallen trees and scrap wood and fenced the...
  11. ThisGuy

    My first house

    Well I woke up today and decided to give it a go. My brother called from the city and I invited him over to come help since I'm not much of a carpenter. All in all things went well. I have the main coop pretty much finished, now for the run the nest boxes and some sort of Window.
  12. ThisGuy

    My first house

    Sorry for the bad pic my phone is my only source of Internet at the moment.
  13. ThisGuy

    My first house

    Happy happy happy we have a dozen of the little gals. Wish me luck this is going to be awesome!
  14. ThisGuy

    My first house

    wow. Those are some beautiful hens long lived too added bonus since ill be paying a mortgage for the next 30 years :O
  15. ThisGuy

    My first house

    Thanks Liz I'm checking them out now :-)
  16. ThisGuy

    My first house

    Hey BYC, James here. I just bought my first home and have been thinking about raising DP chickens. As a child I had some Rhode Islands but they were kept as pets. I hunt small game dress and prep all my own meat so I think i should be okay with the feathery gals (fingers crossed). Any advice...
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