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  1. LDinGrassValley

    post you mallard duck photos here

    Such an exciting day today. My son's girls arrived. Three Mallard Hens. So far my son (Brandon) hasn't selected names for them so I'm calling them #1, #2 and #3. As of now, Brandon is seriously thinking of calling them Larry, Curley and Moe; after the Three Stooges! Really!??? If...
  2. LDinGrassValley

    post you mallard duck photos here

    Just found this thread today, sorry if it's not current to post in. I have two Mallard Drakes. Have had them from about 1-day old from a California Hatchery. Here's a few photos of them when young and now close to 3-years old. They are a constant source of enjoyment, true ambasadors of the...
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