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  1. DesertChic


    Well, it can be expensive, especially at start-up when you're making significant changes to your property. When I started my garden it cost me a lot because 1) the soil where I live is just about sterile, 2) I was born with a brown thumb and had to find a technique that actually works for me...
  2. DesertChic


    Hello and welcome!
  3. DesertChic


    Sleep? What's that? I keep hearing people talk about how important it is, but it seems so elusive...LOL. Yeah...your schedule sounds as crazy as mine. I don't play in a band, but I do own a business. It really is true what they say....when you own the business, you work 24/7.
  4. DesertChic


    Sounds like you have a really nice setup! I've never heard of "lasagna gardening", but it sounds pretty tasty.
  5. DesertChic


  6. DesertChic


    Bigfoot hunting, eh? Hmm...I've got a couple of female friends who can't find "the right guy". I may have to suggest that they use one of these tapes. Maybe their luck will improve..LOL!
  7. DesertChic


    Dying rabbit tapes? For real? Wow...there's a whole world out there I know nothing about.
  8. DesertChic


    I think that's exactly what we're saying...common courtesy, not overbearing legislation. But what do you do when someone apparently has zero sense of common courtesy and seems to do things merely to be spiteful? Good fences may make good neighbors, but noise isn't stopped by a fence. I can...
  9. DesertChic


    Oh my gosh! Some people! We had a family like that living right next door to us when we lived in NV. His family would come up from Mexico and they would party all day and all night, throw their trash over the fence into our yard, get drunk and belligerent at all was insane. The...
  10. DesertChic


    The reality is that things are getting completely out of hand. Are rules needed? Absolutely! But rain barrels aren't exactly a new thing, and yet suddenly they can get people thrown in jail. I'm hearing stories from all around the country of absurdities like this. I even read about an organic...
  11. DesertChic


    I've fallen behind on my garden planning because of a heavy work load at our business and adjusting to raising chickens. This past weekend I hatched 11 beautiful little Naked Neck Turkens in my new first hatch ever...and have been highly distracted as a result. When I can finally...
  12. DesertChic


    You sound a lot like me. My mother's green thumb skipped right over me and honed in on my son. Learning to GROW plants rather than KILL them has been challenging to say the least. I've literally spent the past few years learning techniques that work with me and for me. To make things harder, I...
  13. DesertChic


    Yeah...I have a problem with sunburn too. In fact, I had a small spot of skin cancer removed this past year. But, intense heat only accounts for 2-3 months out of the year here, and June is the only month that's typically scorching and humid with no rain. Once the monsoons move in we get relief...
  14. DesertChic


    Maybe it's time for you and your chickens to move south for the winter. It was chilly here today, but tolerable at 61 degrees. In a couple more days we'll be back up to the 70s. I love winter in AZ!
  15. DesertChic


    Owls are generally nocturnal hunters. They do glide and are typically soundless, but rarely hunt in the daytime. If you saw something gliding/soaring through the woods in the daytime it was more likely to be a hawk or falcon, which will definitely hunt your chickens in the daytime.
  16. DesertChic


    Well, I don't have weeds. I use cattle feed/water troughs, fill them either with compost or straw bales, and plant all of my produce in them. I never use chemicals of any type, and all of my fertilizers, when I need to use them, are also organic. The beds are raised to a comfortable level for...
  17. DesertChic


    I've had great success growing spinach, lettuce, kale, cabbage and Swiss chard from seed outside, but never broccoli or cauliflower. Actually, a couple of freezing nights has done wonders to improve my leafy greens much so that I've had to feed nearly half of what I've grown to my...
  18. DesertChic


    I grew lots of broccoli last year in both my troughs and straw bales. This is one vegetable you must seed indoors and transplant once they're large enough. Seeding outdoors just doesn't seem to work. Oh...and in case you don't know, once you harvest the main stalk you will continue to get small...
  19. DesertChic


    I will definitely look into all of your suggestions! Thanks!
  20. DesertChic


    Thanks for the welcome! I too have spent nearly two years researching chickens, and spent time "chicken sitting" for neighbors so I could gain first-hand experience prior to taking the plunge. My husband grew up having chickens, but he's been blown away by my management techniques so far. He...
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