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  1. NorthTexasWink


    Seems like in the past, the fruit and nut trees would have good crops every other or every third year. Now it seems like its more every fourth or fifth year. Is it just me? We had tons of pecans last year, so I'm not surprised to see much less on the trees this year. Even fewer acorns this year...
  2. NorthTexasWink


    @combatfuzzball Great progress! Hope your hernia surgery goes well, and you are quickly back to full steam. Resting and cooling your birds after slaughter is important. Freeze after they cool completely. I found Fergus Henderson's book "The Whole Beast, Nose to Tail Eating" to be an...
  3. NorthTexasWink


    Good deal @CLSranch Glad all is well on that front. The rest will take care of itself. Thank you @rancher hicks I am giddy!
  4. NorthTexasWink


    I sold 9 chickens today! Not as exciting as a new baby, but I'm stoked! BTW, how is the cutie? @CLSranch
  5. NorthTexasWink


    My understanding is that among other things, most species of trout need clear water and excellent oxygenation. I know I was told that they don't do at all well in my area due to above and our higher temps. That's when I was stocking multiple very large and large manmade and natural ponds in...
  6. NorthTexasWink


    Oh! Canada. Sorry then, I got nuthin'. :confused:
  7. NorthTexasWink


    Catfish, perch/blue gill, tilapia, carp are among your best bets. Check your local regulations and the local Agriculture Extension service for suggestions? Lots of info on the net about aquaponics and fish farming.
  8. NorthTexasWink


    I'm pretty sure I ate too much spicy TexMex when I was pregnant and nursing. My daughter teethed on chips and salsa, got hella mad if you tried to take it away. To this day, at age 27, she's Mama's Little Pepper Belly! Glad everyone is doing so well. Tiny bit of high bilirubin is no biggie...
  9. NorthTexasWink


    :celebrate:weeYAY! :highfive::yesss::bun:ya:hugs All well? Everyone healthy? Ten of everything? Well. Not everything, you know what I mean. :woot
  10. NorthTexasWink


    @rancher hicks Very nice! I love that fence, been thinking of doing something similar here.
  11. NorthTexasWink


    Oh my! @CLSranch How exciting! You want to know all the ways to get things moving? I retired from about 30 years of nursing a few years ago. I actively avoided Labor & Delivery, but along with having three kids I couldn't avoid learning some "tricks of the trade".
  12. NorthTexasWink


  13. NorthTexasWink


    I had a rough collie (yup, like Lassie) before having my kids. I think Rex was about three when my firstborn arrived. He had been naturally herding anything he could, including geese and kittens since puppyhood, so herding children was no biggie for him. He even recreated the famous Coppertone...
  14. NorthTexasWink


    You can raise kids AND get things done. Like rancher hicks said, you gotta plan and work smarter, not harder or longer. I had one of those front-side papoose pouches. I could do dishes and nurse the baby at the same time. Yes, I'm good at multitasking. I'm a mother, so, duh! One of my babies...
  15. NorthTexasWink


    Yes, mangles are also grown in places like Africa for livestock. Ive seen them fed to cattle, swine. Never thought about chickens or goats. Will sorghums grow there? Broom corn? Maybe some barley or rye? Something the ag service will know. What fun to learn a new area's farming!
  16. NorthTexasWink


    Honestly, if you let the goats at the brush they will clear most of it out quickly. They will also probably eat anything you plant if they can get at it. I've had luck with many types of berry bushes, hostas (not usually eaten by anything but looks pretty), wood's violets. If you really want...
  17. NorthTexasWink


    I have (city) neighbors that keep sending me their snake pictures all afraid they've got copperheads. Only one has been so far, but seen some pretty impressive king snakes. I'll be adding a little extra 1/4" hardware cloth to my setup now. Oh well, it's only money. :barnie
  18. NorthTexasWink


    Ducks have to have water to eat properly. They swish stuff across their bills and find grubs, worms, all that yummy stuff living in the mud. Even slosh feed mixed with water around their mouths. And yes, they are noisier and messier than chickens. As for your snakes, I've never lived up there...
  19. NorthTexasWink


    For clearing brush, I say goats are your best bet. We even have some enterprising locals who rent out their goat herds to clear properties and graze heavy grass! They just trailer them and their mobile solar electric fence setup to the location, then pick them up when the job is done. People...
  20. NorthTexasWink


    And we come back to "fences holding water". :lau
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