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  1. RichnSteph


    I know this wasn't directed at me but I felt the need to chime in. It all depends on the rooster. We have two in our flock of 20+. The dominant one is a 3 year old Buff Orpinton and even with 2" spurs none of the hens are missing feathers. The other is a 10 month old Barred Rock/Orpington cross...
  2. RichnSteph


    Welcome!! As others have said planning is the key. If I'd been better at planning I'd have laid out our arrangement much differently. I to am on a single acre of land and with proper planning you'll be able to put a lot on it. I'm now in the midst of moving sheds and chicken coops to locations...
  3. RichnSteph


    I happen to have a Winchester Model 69 in .22 caliber. My great grand father bought it new in 1935 and it's been on every farm/ranch/property that the family has ever owned. It'll fire .22 CB caps, .22 short and .22 long rifle rounds. A .22LR round will indeed knock down a coyote if you hit it...
  4. RichnSteph


    I'd love to live there way out in the sticks and off the grid. The only thing I'd miss was internet so I could access this site to keep up with all of ya'll.
  5. RichnSteph


    I live in Texas. It's the same down here in the southern part of the state.
  6. RichnSteph


    Oh that's tempting... Last time I looked into it though you had to have a sponsor and employment lined up before you could set foot in the country. I'll do some searching just for fun. I'd love to live out in the sticks in Australia.
  7. RichnSteph


    After our next (and final I hope) coop build I'm planning on converting the current one into an oversized rabbit hutch. A family friend has Californians and gave us two of them. We brazed them right quick to seal them up then put them in a red wine reduction for an hour and then the whole thing...
  8. RichnSteph


    I showed that picture to my wife and I now have another project for the weekend.
  9. RichnSteph


  10. RichnSteph


    That's awesome! I mean it isn't great for composting but the mental image I conjured was just great. Perhaps adding some water now and then might help? *giggle*
  11. RichnSteph


    We've got a pile of people that live down about 6 acres over from us and they play their mexican music so loud that I can hear it through the walls of my home. The county ordinance says that they can't do so after 10pm so they play it as loud as possible right up until that time. They also have...
  12. RichnSteph


  13. RichnSteph


    Rancherhicks- Unfortunately we don't own the land but I wish we did. Our family owned it years ago but was smart enough to retain the mineral rights when it was sold. I'd love some oil money so I could retire.........
  14. RichnSteph


    We've gotten nothing done in weeks due to the death of my grandmother and having to figure out the estate sale, decide to keep or sell her lake home, deal with mineral rights that I inherited in South Texas.... so very much to do and zero time to do so. If it wasn't for my wife I'd never...
  15. RichnSteph


    Oh that sounds like a dream come true! Our current dream home is much less involved since it's a double wide (that we bought new) on only an acre of land. We are in the the best school district here in south Texas and that was our single biggest priority for our daughter. The year my daughter...
  16. RichnSteph


    Thank you! I must confess that up until a while ago I had no use for "spirit" or to be more precise "God". Things have changed though and I'm raising my family with His will in mind even though I don't have a clue what his plan is. First World problems fall from our shoulders each evening as we...
  17. RichnSteph


    I lived in New Mexico for a time and got to see the community of ES homes out there...... Great concepts, amazing ideas, awesome use of discarded tires and cans and things.. but they were really really weird people. Think hippies in teepee type housing environments. Oh I'm a firm believer in...
  18. RichnSteph


    Oh how I know those feelings. A few years ago I lost every tomato plant we had to some kind of blight. Then instead of weeding the garden like I was supposed to I used a broad leaf grass killer..... I quickly found out that corn is considered a broad leaf grass as it died within days. Then all...
  19. RichnSteph


    We don't grow anything yet as we're waiting for spring to get here so we can get the garden all up and running although we're getting parts and pieces put together a little at a time. We don't buy eggs anymore though since we have chickens but I'm not sure if that counts. We want to grow...
  20. RichnSteph


    Our winter project is similar to your other than the bat house (had no idea that folks raised bats to be honest) or an owl box. Right now we're getting the garden area set up and planning out what trees (post oak) I need to remove so that we can plant fruit trees and create a sunny area for the...
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