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  1. shortgrass


    I don't think the argument was on our beliefs.... I don't believe any ofvthe "claptrap" about evolution either, but that's because of my faith. That's not part of the discussion, I don't think. And I would hate to think that it's about religion :( To me, its about science vs science lol. Now...
  2. shortgrass


    ROFL :D I'm saving those ;)
  3. shortgrass


    I don't think scientists agree on ANYTHING, Bee :D We could go all day about evolution vs adaptation, flood vs meteors, billions of years lost on the stupid dinosaurs :P It's already written down in a big book for convenience, but scientists just have "theories"../ Definition of theory? A...
  4. shortgrass


    Lol hey @Beekissed and @duluthralphie, got a joke for ya ;) There's this scientist, and he doesn't believe in God. Says he can create life from nothing, just like God did, so God challenges him to a contest. If he can create life in 24 hours, he wins, and proves that man is as good as God. The...
  5. shortgrass


    Yuck. Yuck yuck yuck. Lol Danvers are my top choice for bulk, fresh taste, and canning. The rainbow ones were almost bitter, and they didn't grow nearly as well as the good old Danvers. I did the purple dragon ones too, and they were IMPOSSIBLE to get out of the ground without a fork, almost...
  6. shortgrass


    Lol@rancher hicks, you just reminded me, I have a bag of frozen Champions and 2 bags of Romas in the deep freeze; I totally spaced getting them canned! :P Thanks lol ;) On the potato towers... I do them that way, with tires... This was in June, right before adding the third tires... I had...
  7. shortgrass


    Lol so what happens if you try to keep a garden OUT of your grass? The opposite?! :D You could grow a pasture in your garden and a garden in your lawn ;)
  8. shortgrass


    Yep, growing fodder... It's great for areas that get blasted into winter with no greens in sight. ;) I use grow trays under grow lights ( stating the obvious lol), and they sprout really fast, depending on what you're growing, and there's more nutrient value to it... It's almost like...
  9. shortgrass


    Same here with the cukes and squash... I try to throw them down hard enough to shatter the outside, then they pretty much gut them, and I've got a bunch of "cuke boats" for the kids lol ;) Beet tops. Always beet tops, and radish tops, especially the seed pods; they go nuts over them! They get a...
  10. shortgrass


    In a pinch, you can always go get a doghouse and a kennel and lock them in the doghouse at night until you get a proper coop/run built.... Or you can get one of those little prebuolt coops with runs online, I think amazon should have some,.. or at a feed store maybe... Coop, run,.... Covering...
  11. shortgrass


    That's probably right...I was thinking that even in trace amounts, its still present in the soil too..but... I'm inclined to paranoia about trivial things lol ;) Not to worried, painting is a good option; help keep taters cooler too...if I get too anxious about the lead, I'll have some painted...
  12. shortgrass


    Well you sure know how to make a gal paranoid lol...just asked DH if those tires have lead and he just shrugged and snuck away...hmmmm lol :P @KlopKlop its a monumental dirt party lol...hubs hauls in a load of sand(we have a huge sandpile for yard work), a load of compost, and bales of straw...
  13. shortgrass


    Tires! I can always use more tires ;) Starting with seed potatoes in the first one, hill them up 4 tires tall by fall, knock it over and dig... Easy peasy :D
  14. shortgrass


    We've been super busy trying to convert some fields organic, clearing some brush for my chooks to have winter forage close to the house..had quite a list, went with Austrian winter peas and winter rye... Wheat harvest is done, red beets all canned, carrots all canned, chokecherries made into...
  15. shortgrass

    Homesteaders apologies, I was actually meaning to answer TytoAlbas' question ..guess I should have quoted their post instead of yours lol ;)
  16. shortgrass


    Ahhhhh yes conspiracies abound lol....but the truth is, they're just very popular, interchangeable, and people stockpile them... Quote Conspiracy theories are just that, and I haven’t found even a smidgen of truth in any of...
  17. shortgrass


    Nice rifle there ;) 22s are great all around, lighter weight... I started out on an over/under practicing on Starlings when I was 9, so its a way faster, easier shot than the shotgun... Just hard to justify the expense in ammo. And I can use my shotgun for hunting turkey, since that's...
  18. shortgrass


    22-250s are good all purpose if you have good aim :) 30-06 too.. I have a 12 gauge, just because I'm a really bad shot ;)
  19. shortgrass


    Kinda like we go up to Cheyenne for fireworks ;) Really, Nebraska is pretty if you like a long view of corn... Lake MacConaughey is the best thingbin Nebraska hands down. Big white sand beaches, clear water...its like an oasis.... In Nebraska :D Here in Colorado, the western slope is so alien...
  20. shortgrass


    No problem :) and yes, bees love it; it attracts other beneficial predators to the garden too...and its pretty ;) Lol yep, that's the one! ;) I feel bad because its not THEIR fault it's so flat and boring lol... Soon as it gets pretty you know you hit Wyoming ;) Running out of gas? ROFL too...
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