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  1. Feathersprings

    Clicker Training For Chickens

    I watched the video! looks like she is doing well :)
  2. Feathersprings

    Clicker Training For Chickens

    I have one Silkie girl that seems like she would be more readily trainable than the others as she is more interested in food rewards. I dont have live meal worms but freeze dried and she likes those and will take scratch as well. I have a new group of Cochin bantams in quarantine right now...
  3. Feathersprings

    Clicker Training For Chickens

    I am very interested in knowing more about your training I have silkie and Cochin chickens. I have only got as far a charging the clicker ... with just one of my silkie girls. I need to move on to getting her to target something. I am afraid to train on a table with the silkies though... I...
  4. Feathersprings

    Clicker Training For Chickens

    Are you still working on your clicker training ? I am going to start with one of my girls next week. I would love to hear what you are doing.
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