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  1. Tivona

    Goose in distress...egg bound?

    Thanks. I had a terrible time getting that picture she kept trying to get me to pet her or trying to play with the camera. They started out side by side but I kept having to back up to take the picture. She kept following me step by step. Each time she would sit down I would try to get the close...
  2. Tivona

    Goose in distress...egg bound?

    Thanks for the kind words everyone. It is heartbreaking. Knowing it was her intestines does make me feel like it was out of my hands, so I am glad I checked as hard as it was, but its still is really sad. I don't think there was anything I really could have done other then what I did knowing...
  3. Tivona

    Goose in distress...egg bound?

    She died some time in the early morning. I kept her warm and everything but it wasn't enough. All her symptoms, the lump I felt on her tummy near the pelvis and center, the repeated pushing motions of her vent, the pain, no eating, bright eyes, being fine the night before, all timed with her...
  4. Tivona

    Goose in distress...egg bound?

    I think I do but will have to check. She has been eating oyster shell like crazy the last week which is one of the reasons I was thinking she was getting close to laying. She has often shown interest in playing mommy with the duck eggs as well for the last few weeks too but I am still guessing...
  5. Tivona

    Goose in distress...egg bound?

    opalwednesday I wore tight fitting nitrel gloves and got the olive oil all over them as a lubricant. I actually went in and carefully guided the egg out. I used one hand on the outside to help guide it towards her vent. as I understand there is a high risk of infection if you damage the egg...
  6. Tivona

    Goose in distress...egg bound?

    My female goose who is about 2 years old refused to leave her nest box this morning. I thought perhaps she was ready to lay for the first time (never laid last year although she was old enough and none laid this year yet). Checked on her at noon and found she had moved to the ducks nesting area...
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