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  1. missnu01

    Hen wont walk on her feet. Walks on her hocks and feet may be paralyzed?

    It's very possible. Hopefully she stays on the mend
  2. missnu01

    Hen wont walk on her feet. Walks on her hocks and feet may be paralyzed?

    That is super awesome info because sometimes a chicken does just need to be tube fed. Like after an injury maybe? I would try for something like that, but if they just stop eating one day for no reason I can discern I am unlikely to try harder then offering super tasty foods because there has to...
  3. missnu01

    Hen wont walk on her feet. Walks on her hocks and feet may be paralyzed?

    I can't justify taking a chicken to the vet...I mean I can't even go to the something is terribly wrong we help them to go gently into that good night. That and most of the time there is a serious issue it doesn't seem like most chickens bounce back too well...I wouldn't tube...
  4. missnu01

    Hen wont walk on her feet. Walks on her hocks and feet may be paralyzed?

    Mine kept their toes balled up like they were trying to hold something...and they would limp on the balled up toes. No poop changes, nothing. Just bam! Limping. Followed with bam! Paralyzed! Followed by chop! With the axe
  5. missnu01

    Hen wont walk on her feet. Walks on her hocks and feet may be paralyzed?

    The cockerel started with limping on one foot and then went to the hock scuttle. Some days I would go up and he would be limping, other days the hock walk...then he started walking like normal and later that same day his head was stuck under his breast. So he was looking up at me but upside...
  6. missnu01

    Hen wont walk on her feet. Walks on her hocks and feet may be paralyzed?

    Mine were still growing and at a healthy weight, but I was literally taking the one that couldn't move to the feeder and waterer several times a day. She could get there but she would accomplish it with the most pitiful flop and roll maneuver that was just breaking my heart...the other guy was...
  7. missnu01

    Hen wont walk on her feet. Walks on her hocks and feet may be paralyzed?

    I have no idea, but I would think its probably pretty variable amongst flocks. If the chicken gets better then you'll know that it's alright and that wasn't the long as it gets better and stays better. The one that started the limping saga would sometimes seem like e was getting...
  8. missnu01

    Hen wont walk on her feet. Walks on her hocks and feet may be paralyzed?

    Your chicken really might just be limping, and I hope that is the case. I was just so let down when it wasn't an injury causing the limping
  9. missnu01

    Hen wont walk on her feet. Walks on her hocks and feet may be paralyzed?

    None of my chickens are vaccinated, and none of my older chickens were affected at all. One cockerel the one that started limping first just limped for 6 weeks, somedays he would limp less but no change. He ate, he pooped, he drank, he played. No issues at all othe than the limping, but then one...
  10. missnu01

    Hen wont walk on her feet. Walks on her hocks and feet may be paralyzed?

    I had a chick so dog ran up in the coop one day and a chick ran into a box and its foot got caught in a seam on the box. Once I got the foot out the chicken limped a little like something was wrong with one of its toes...then it kept all the toes on that foot balled up...then it started...
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