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  1. motherochickens

    New Chicken Owner in Washington State

    thanks for the suggestion. the ladies will be closed up inside at night to help protect them from predators too. And lots more rocks along the bottom to keep anything from digging under.
  2. motherochickens

    New Chicken Owner in Washington State

    just got the outside run built this weekend. Now we need to paint and finish the rocks around outside bottom.
  3. motherochickens

    New Chicken Owner in Washington State

    We bought our girls from Baxter Barn in Fall City. They have lots from chicks to hens in several breeds.
  4. motherochickens

    New Chicken Owner in Washington State

    and if anyone has any advice for a new-bee I'd love to hear it :) Thanks!
  5. motherochickens

    New Chicken Owner in Washington State

    Hello - my name is Holiday. I am the proud new Mama of 6 pullets in Maple Valley, WA. We picked the 2 month old chickens up this past Saturday and they seem to be adjusting well. They are each a different breed - Light Sussex (amelia), Black Cochin (elizabeth), Salmon Favrolle (reindeer)...
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