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  1. Ridgerunner

    Can't Decide About The Chicks

    Draye, I talked to the guy in the Farmington TSC and he said theirs were from Privett this year.
  2. Ridgerunner

    Can't Decide About The Chicks

    You might read this. I called my county extension agent (in the phone book under county government) before I got chicks. The agent lined me up with a professor that teaches poultry disease at the State University. I don’t know if your agent is that good. After...
  3. Ridgerunner

    Can't Decide About The Chicks

    Chicken Starter, Grower, and Layer are balanced diets. They contain everything the chickens need and should be the major portion of their diet. If they forage where there is good forage which means grass and weeds, grass seeds and weed seeds, and all kinds of creepy crawlies then this is less...
  4. Ridgerunner

    Can't Decide About The Chicks

    There are several options while they are chicks. I don’t know what is available to you at your feed store. One standard is to feed Starter for the first 4 to 8 weeks or whenever that bag runs out, then switch to Grower. Feed Grower until they are ready to lay, usually 20 weeks or until you...
  5. Ridgerunner

    Can't Decide About The Chicks

    Sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking in my last post. Mt. Healthy Comets are based on the commercial egg laying chickens. You can tell by the name “Hubbard”. They have been selectively bred to lay a lot of large eggs. They will be excellent layers. They are fairly small in size...
  6. Ridgerunner

    Can't Decide About The Chicks

    The TSC here got their chicks from Privett this year. A couple of years ago they got them from McMurray. That's what I mean they get them from different hatcheries. It makes absolutely no difference to you where the one near me got theirs. It only matters where the one you use got theirs.
  7. Ridgerunner

    Can't Decide About The Chicks

    Do you know which hatchery they came from? Different TSC’s order their chicks from different hatcheries. If you knew which hatchery they came from, we could look and see what their comets look like. There is no poultry police running around fining people or throwing them in jail for...
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