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  1. Molpet

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    I had a bbb jake that I couldn't, he was so sweet. But he squashed his best chicken buddy trying to mate him. And he was getting leg issues.. I had a hunting buddy shot him in the head... after the 3rd shot with cb caps the turkey crawled under a bush.. I got the game shear loppers and put him...
  2. Molpet

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    I USED to thank each one and God for the food I was going to receive right before each... But i was so emotionally drained after 4-6 of them.. So now I thank before the first one and after the last.. I still only do 4-6, but I am not so drained I don't play with them and have as little contact...
  3. Molpet

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    they are tasty .. that is my motivation :celebrate but yeah I have to be in the mood... have to talk myself about it for a couple of days when I see a good day coming up.
  4. Molpet

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    I did 5 cockerels and a turkey thursday w/ one new blade.. before I was skinning them and now I am using a plucker.. I'll have to see how long a blade lasts now
  5. Molpet

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    X2 on with holding food :barnie I had heard of people having a 'poop fountain' coming out of a cone... was enough to scare me to with hold food or do it at first light before they started eating much... which is what I did with the ones I did this thursday... it was 53f at 6am so I started...
  6. Molpet

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    I hate trying to sharpen half way though a bird.. I bought replaceable bladed one.. I can do 3-5 birds before I need to sharpen or replace the blade.. not suppose to sharpen them but I have. knife is $25 and 6 blades are $10 on amazon.. I bought blades somewhere else cheaper though.. not sure...
  7. Molpet

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    the gallon bag fit depends on the breed too... the BR fit but the BJG do not, they have a larger frame at the same weight.
  8. Molpet

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    when I go to the link and try to open the links I get link not found
  9. Molpet

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    I was worried about using the hose/nozzle to fill waterers and such ,AFTER IT HAD BEEN IN THE BIRD, so to prevent contamination of the WATERERS , I bought a nozzle to use on the birds..the stores are clearing them out about now and I paid less than $2, but I tend to get lung and such every...
  10. Molpet

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    this one
  11. Molpet

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    Yes the books on CX are for the fastest most meat, but unhealthy for the bird. I feed them all they could eat in 10 min 2x a day and they would have to go eat bugs and grass/weeds because they were still hungry.. another person just feeds them once a day and skips a day a week for the breeders...
  12. Molpet

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    Depends on how you raise the CX... There are a bunch of us on BYC that limit the feed and make them free range... save a few for breeding.. they are almost like a regular bird, but still short lived... mine was a week shy of 1 yr old when her heart gave out.. some have over 2 yrs I had a BBB...
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