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  1. foxflower

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    Some breeds seem to crow early. Campines are a good example. They reliably start crowing at 7 weeks or so. I have some bantams that I got in May and one of them is crowing (not sure which one).
  2. foxflower

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    chicksooner, you could sever the head entirely instead. There is less technique to that.
  3. foxflower

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    If you really can't do it, and the only problem with the boys is that they are too big, maybe a few huge hens are all they need. Do you have room for some jersey giants? Those things are like small turkeys. Otherwise, you'll get through it and next year you'll be very careful about how you...
  4. foxflower

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    I live on a farm, and I'd have to be really mad to consider shooting one of the cows (like it charged my kids or something). I'd have trouble with goats or sheep as well. I don't know many people who actually do their own large animal butchering. Not that you couldn't! You are on a roll! I...
  5. foxflower

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    There ya go.....success! I think your grocery bill is about to decrease and hatching bill increase?
  6. foxflower

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    They are now..... Actually, here's a quote from Storey's Illustrated Guide to Poultry..."Unlike a lot of breeds, the Rhode Island Red was not developed for show purposes by fanciers. Instead, Rhode Island poultry farmers developed the bird in the 1830s to produce a good utility bird that had...
  7. foxflower

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    X1, especially redarding the steam!
  8. foxflower

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    I have a pressure cooker that is for everyday cooking, not canning, so it has no dial or that wobbly thing that goes back and forth. By "quick release" I mean the removing the pot from the stove and running warm water over the top and then progressively colder water until the pressure releases...
  9. foxflower

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    For those of you looking for pots....would a water bath canner (often enamal) not be large enough? There are similar size pots used for large amounts of corn on the cob. I found my black enamal water bath canner at a flea market for much less than new. I bet walmart carries them. Another...
  10. foxflower

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    Good job Sally and family! As far a I remember there is no need to freeze the bird, just be sure to let it rest long enough in the frig prior to cooking. Freezing is just for longer term storage. I didn't soak mine in the fridge either, just in ziploc bag, but I certainly read that other...
  11. foxflower

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    I haven't read all the posts, but I noticed some questions about cooking birds in the pressure cooker. Here's what I've done. Butcher and skin the bird, let rest in the fridge 48 hours. I then rewash and bag the whole (small) bird and the freeze it until needed. Again, these were small...
  12. foxflower

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    We once put individual roos in gunney sacks for transportation. Feed bags would probably work fine too. I folded down the tops of the bags to make them the right size, then threaded and cinched them down until only the roo's head and neck could stick out. I imagine simply tying and folding...
  13. foxflower

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    Oh, and for some practicalities in the process. We lined a bucket with a garbage bag. After the bird was killed we set it neck-down in the lined buckets for the blood to drawn and to keep it from flopping around and making a mess. No raincoats needed. A bucket lined with a garbage bag was...
  14. foxflower

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    I am going to pipe in here with my experience......I was raised a vegetarian and still am mostly, as are my family. I also love animals and live on a farm. About 3 years ago I ordered a bunch of chickens from Sandhill because they had all the breeds I wanted to try (we do eat the eggs). Then I...
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