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  1. the poppster

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    Weird eh? No one having to be on the lookout for over sexed more more one ups upmanship going's almost the past I have found myself "sitting the fence" stalling about culling trouble causing cockrels...the first time I made a snap decision,to cull...
  2. the poppster

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    I've been there!!! Can't have a constant tension between two cockrels/Roos in the affects the whole flock...every one is on edge...I've culled many cockrels/Roos over the past years...due to stress within the's amazing how quickly the flock relaxes once the miscreants are...
  3. the poppster

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    propane turkey cooker works great...don't forget the thermometer!
  4. the poppster

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    I can't give you a picture...but if you have a cone or make a killing cone. If not secure the bird upside down by the feet, with a slip knot. Let him settle down...using a sharp knife....a good paring knife with a 3-4 inch blade is what I use. Gently hold the birds head and pull down...
  5. the poppster

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    I dreaded it as well....even tried to avoid getting familiar with them....calling them 1,2,3,4 and 5....which didn't work...but as I waited for the weather to cool down....I came home to find one of the pullets flipped over on her back, feet sticking up....not a scratch on her....I decided it...
  6. the poppster

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    I'm sure you have gone through it already....but I always find it goes more smoothly, if I have everything set up before running around at the last minute...or even worse, during water in a big container...coolers...I used a half of a plastic 55 gallon barrel cut...
  7. the poppster

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    A nice sharp fillet knife works well. You can touch up the edge by stroping it on a clean piece of cardboard box. I usually have more then one sharp knife on hand.
  8. the poppster

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    How to brine, if you buy a box of Kosher salt from Morton it give you instructions on the box. Also a website for more information. 1 cup canning salt and 1 cup of sugar or brown sugar to 2 quarts of warm water....stir to dissolve the sugar and salt into the the solution in the...
  9. the poppster

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    I use a cone....and's not as quick and a bit messy, if you don't hang on to the head for a few moments after cutting the jugular vein. But they bleed out well and it confines them gently till the flapping stops. I don't think I could crush the birds neck with a broomstick...I know...
  10. the poppster

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    Yes I agree...but I have to get into the right mind set...then just do it. Calmly and quickly and quietly with as little fuss and flapping as possible. I've got 5 meaties growing up in their own grassy area with plenty of shade and partial sunshine....a nice clean chicken tractor with clean...
  11. the poppster

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    It is Never a job that I look forward to. I get no enjoyment out of butchering my chickens. But I do it in the most humane way I can. With the least amount of fuss and as quickly as possible. If someone enjoyed killing their birds....I would wonder if they were a bit unhinged. I don't believe...
  12. the poppster

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    Now don't anyone get bent out of shape when I ask this question...was your mother from an Italian background? My cousin grew up in an area with a lot of old country Italians and he said they used to catch and cook up Robins in the spring...he said his Italian friends said they were a delicacy...
  13. the poppster

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    Dear Rebascora...a killing cone makes the process Soooo much easier...I made one from a piece of tin and having not rivets I "sewed" it together with wire and attached it to a board...then to a tree...I plucked the birds after semi-scalding them for about 30 seconds in 140 degree water, heated...
  14. the poppster

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    I did the same to my young mixed Roos....did them in in defense of my poor hens....they were bound to hurt them in their hormone fueled attempts to mate...the stress in the flock was palpable....they had to go! As soon as they were....things calmed down....amazing how fast it calmed....try a...
  15. the poppster

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    Well the first butcher day....5 Roosters I didn't need or want...stressing out the hens and my main rooster....things settled down already! Don't miss them one was easier than I thought it would be...they had to go....why not into my freezer? We made a cone....the Turkey cooker heated...
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