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    Practice beheading chickens.

    That is a very good point!! And really no offense taken. I honestly can't remember how old I was or the experience that I had when I first harvested an animal. I was raised doing it. I grew on on a large hog farm and was hunting and fishing from before I can remember. So thinking about how...

    Practice beheading chickens.

    Page 388 Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens...."Kill the chickens quickly and humanely with a minimum of stress, since stress reduces meat quality. Of several possible methods for killing chickens, the one most commonly used in backyards is the least suitable. Using an ax. Most people's image...

    Practice beheading chickens.

    I see your point...however what I am trying to get across is not how the chicken is killed, so much, but the process in which to empty the chickens body of the blood during the dying process. I watched the videos that you linked and then read some of the comments below them, and one that I...

    Practice beheading chickens.

    I just wanted to express my importance for "bleeding out" chickens. From what I have learned if you break the neck (spinal cord) the heart quits beating. I am a nurse and am quite certain that that is true. When the heart quits beating your not going to get the blood out. The blood...
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