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  1. LibRat

    |~~**The Chatterbox Chooks Club!!!**~~|

    Did you ever find your chicken?
  2. LibRat

    |~~**The Chatterbox Chooks Club!!!**~~|

    ha! My cat does that.... hears the can open from the other end of the house and comes in running like a spaz sniffs it then walks away :/
  3. LibRat

    |~~**The Chatterbox Chooks Club!!!**~~|

    We had goats named Sally and Ba-a-a-a-a-ad Goat
  4. LibRat

    |~~**The Chatterbox Chooks Club!!!**~~|

    How did it go?
  5. LibRat

    |~~**The Chatterbox Chooks Club!!!**~~|

    I'm sorry :( it is hard to lose someone you love; but she is with her true love!
  6. LibRat

    |~~**The Chatterbox Chooks Club!!!**~~|

    Lol Illinois stinks... It was so bad last year I wanted (begged) to move to Alaska! We had temps of over 100 for weeks straight... Sometimes even like 110+ and no rain for a long time. Now this year we've had so much rain we've had flash flood warnings at least once a week! Yuk :( I wish it...
  7. LibRat

    |~~**The Chatterbox Chooks Club!!!**~~|

    We are under "heat advisory" here. It's supposed to get up to the high 90's with heat index of 105-110 :(
  8. LibRat

    |~~**The Chatterbox Chooks Club!!!**~~|

    Congratulations!!!! :)
  9. LibRat

    |~~**The Chatterbox Chooks Club!!!**~~|

    That's a lot of green lol
  10. LibRat

    |~~**The Chatterbox Chooks Club!!!**~~|

    Lucy laid an egg!
  11. LibRat

    |~~**The Chatterbox Chooks Club!!!**~~|

    Good night everyone! I finally get to go home in the morning... I have been at work since Friday afternoon :( Lol I miss my chickens :/ my job requires me to be gone two or three days then home for a few then start over again. It stinks but it's work lol
  12. LibRat

    |~~**The Chatterbox Chooks Club!!!**~~|

    Brent is Happy Houdan? Brent yes lol sorry for the confusion :/
  13. LibRat

    |~~**The Chatterbox Chooks Club!!!**~~|

    I love the names you choose for your chickens they are all very unique!
  14. LibRat

    |~~**The Chatterbox Chooks Club!!!**~~|

    No :( I had a talk with her yesterday before I left for work and she looked at me like "it's my body ill lay an egg when I'm good and ready" unless she's laying them somewhere and we just haven't come across them. But we've looked everywhere. But I hope soon! I'm down to three eggs lol I told...
  15. LibRat

    |~~**The Chatterbox Chooks Club!!!**~~|

    Yay!!! Lol :)
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