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  1. Rezia

    |~~**The Chatterbox Chooks Club!!!**~~|

    Yes, they are, but they lay eggs pretty well as well! I bought them from a friend who was going to make them into meat (bleh). Haha! I'll post them as soon as I find my camera charger... My bedroom's a mess. :P Yeah, it's a shame, but she still has some vision out of that eye. Very little...
  2. Rezia

    |~~**The Chatterbox Chooks Club!!!**~~|

    Hey all! Boy, it's been a while... I have news! I just bought three Red Rangers from a friend of mine today. They are (hopefully) all pullets and are 5 weeks old. One of them lost an eye to a wire fence. Her name is Jackie (like the female pirate). There are two more, Bella, and Anna Marie. I...
  3. Rezia

    |~~**The Chatterbox Chooks Club!!!**~~|

    =) I go to a charter school... My brother used to be in the K-12 program, though.
  4. Rezia

    |~~**The Chatterbox Chooks Club!!!**~~|

    :) I'm making a Halloween costume! It is a prairie dress...
  5. Rezia

    |~~**The Chatterbox Chooks Club!!!**~~|

    Hmmm... Anyone on?
  6. Rezia

    |~~**The Chatterbox Chooks Club!!!**~~|

    Because yoga is exercise in disguise!
  7. Rezia

    |~~**The Chatterbox Chooks Club!!!**~~|

    Guys! I joined yoga! I absolutly loooove it!
  8. Rezia

    |~~**The Chatterbox Chooks Club!!!**~~|

    He's in my prayers! :)
  9. Rezia

    |~~**The Chatterbox Chooks Club!!!**~~|

    Hi guys! What have you all been up to? I started school, and (I never thought I'd say this) I LOVE it!!!!
  10. Rezia

    |~~**The Chatterbox Chooks Club!!!**~~|

    @WooingWyandotte Glad you're going for a horse! I have one of my own. He is a 33 year old 9/10 Arabian gelding.
  11. Rezia

    |~~**The Chatterbox Chooks Club!!!**~~|

    No, my favorite, Buffy, didn't die. Toph and Aurora I raised from chicks, and Rosie I just got a few months ago from AZKat. I am soo glad Buffy didn't die!
  12. Rezia

    |~~**The Chatterbox Chooks Club!!!**~~|

    My dad called last night... I figured out which chickens died. Aurora, Toph, and Rosie didn't make it.
  13. Rezia

    |~~**The Chatterbox Chooks Club!!!**~~|

    Yeah... It hasn't sunk in yet, so I'm not as sad as I will be when it does...
  14. Rezia

    |~~**The Chatterbox Chooks Club!!!**~~|

    My grandma went up to live with God and grandpa last night. It was really really sad.......... She was 93 years old.
  15. Rezia

    |~~**The Chatterbox Chooks Club!!!**~~|

    Good luck in your horse show! I haven't been in one. Hopefully I'll do bareback showing soon.... My dad had a few of his co-workers install a swamp cooler in the chicken coop... Really hoping my poor Buffy (don't tell anyone, she's my favorite) wasn't taken by the heat... Thanks for prayers! I...
  16. Rezia

    |~~**The Chatterbox Chooks Club!!!**~~|

    I'm in CA and I just got a call that three of my babies died... I have no clue which ones passed on, which is really hard on me. Please send prayers that no more are killed from the 118 degree heat in AZ...
  17. Rezia

    |~~**The Chatterbox Chooks Club!!!**~~|

    I'm supposed to be looking for a vegan muffin recipe, but that is boring right now...
  18. Rezia

    |~~**The Chatterbox Chooks Club!!!**~~|

    I've got... 4 Amerucaunas (Buffy ((the worm slayer)), Aurora, Kylie Ann ((Kyle)), Jimina ((Jim))) 2 Black Australorps (Ming Ming, Toph) 1 Aloha Reject (Maizee) (she's a reject from the new breeding group for not having yellow legs) 1 RSL (Rosie)
  19. Rezia

    |~~**The Chatterbox Chooks Club!!!**~~|

    Heehee! I just got back from feeding my girlies some mealworms! (I'ma miss them soooo much!)
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