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  1. Clovis

    Just got guineas

    Thank you Peeps for the info. I have another question tho. My birds don't seem to be eating very much. We have been putting chick weed in for them and they seem to like that but they haven't really touched the chicken grain/scratch we put in for them. They have eaten the earthworms I've put in...
  2. Clovis

    Just got guineas

    Thank you for your replies. We've got a coop that is meant to accomodate about 4-6 chickens. It has an "upstairs" for sleeping and they went up there last night to sleep. It is on 4x4 slids up off the ground. We are wanting to free range during the day with them penned at night. We have a...
  3. Clovis

    Just got guineas

    Yesterday my husband and I acquired 2 adult guineas at a small animal auction. We also got a chicken tractor made for about four chickens at the same sale. My questions: is this an appropriate size coop for them for the time we need to keep them penned til they get used to home? How long...
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