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  1. smonkeySK

    Pictures Of Your Little Ducklings!!

    This year we have 2 new ducklings. We were adamant that we would have no more but I didn't have the heart to break up all the nests! Worth it though -
  2. smonkeySK

    Pictures Of Your Little Ducklings!!

    Yeah you can't afford to blink! Though now I have a bunch of big ducks who follow me everywhere :)
  3. smonkeySK

    Pictures Of Your Little Ducklings!!

    OMG THEY'RE GORGEOUS!! You can kill me for saying omg now :)
  4. smonkeySK

    Pictures Of Your Little Ducklings!!

    Well however big they are; they're gorgeous!
  5. smonkeySK

    Pictures Of Your Little Ducklings!!

    Omg they're so cute! Is it just me though, or do they look like the worlds smallest ducklings photographed under a microscope? I think it's the focus on the weave of the flooring - looks like they're sat on the thumb of a well tanned leather skinned cowboy :D Edit - or the worlds biggest...
  6. smonkeySK

    Pictures Of Your Little Ducklings!!

    Thanks; but they are as noisy as they are pretty!
  7. smonkeySK

    Pictures Of Your Little Ducklings!!

    All grown up and still hanging with mum and dad at 14 weeks. (The 2 facing each other are the babies, mum is back left and dad is in foreground)
  8. smonkeySK

    Pictures Of Your Little Ducklings!!

    Around the 5 or 6 week mark should herald the changing of the voice. Peeping will turn to rasps for a boy and quacks for a girl. Won't be long :)
  9. smonkeySK

    Pictures Of Your Little Ducklings!!

    Definitely a girl; look she's doing her makeup in the rear view mirror!
  10. smonkeySK

    Pictures Of Your Little Ducklings!!

    These are my newest additions Bonkers when we got her and now at 7 weeks Chester and Chopper on day 1 and now at nearly 4 weeks
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