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  1. starlingdaly

    Unusually high mortality rates in chicks for 2013

    Mine didn't make it either. :( It's also so sad when they are so tiny like this. I can only assume it had something to do with their journey here. The rest are all zipping around the brooder and stealing things from each other and challenging the older chicks with chest bumps. Adorable behaviour...
  2. starlingdaly

    Unusually high mortality rates in chicks for 2013

    Oh no, I'm so sorry. :( It's so sad when they are starting to look better and then suddenly don't make it! It's one thing if you're already expecting something to die. :( I came home from work today to find one of my new (5 day old) chicks sleeping and mostly unresponsive. I lightning fast...
  3. starlingdaly

    Unusually high mortality rates in chicks for 2013

    I think I figured it out!!! I think my chicks have rickets!!!! I started a new thread about poultry rickets and here it is for all interested: Thanks everyone for helping me...
  4. starlingdaly

    Unusually high mortality rates in chicks for 2013

    Thanks! Saw that in one of the links. :)
  5. starlingdaly

    Unusually high mortality rates in chicks for 2013

    Those symptoms sound so similar to mine, though!
  6. starlingdaly

    Unusually high mortality rates in chicks for 2013

    Sorry to hear about your losses! :( Losing so many of the same breed makes me think there was something wrong with the hatchery's polish stock. I lost my polish chick too, but I only had one. :( In years past the water additives have never had any bad side effects so I really don't think they...
  7. starlingdaly

    Unusually high mortality rates in chicks for 2013

    Yep, I know nothing about them either! But of course I want to learn!
  8. starlingdaly

    Unusually high mortality rates in chicks for 2013

    So much great info seminolewind! I have been thinking about a closed flock, especially since I have sustainability in mind. Very interesting, weechickenhawk. I guess it's super hard to be completely safe.
  9. starlingdaly

    Unusually high mortality rates in chicks for 2013

    Could someone please link that post? :)
  10. starlingdaly

    Unusually high mortality rates in chicks for 2013

    Maybe my vitamin supplement has indeed gone bad and therefore is not helping them like it should! It is basically like save-a-chick, but marketed for more animals than just chickens. I will go get some today, but in the meantime, I may pop a vitamin e capsule and mix it with a little sourdough...
  11. starlingdaly

    Unusually high mortality rates in chicks for 2013

    I would love to follow a thread solely on cocci! I do admit that since I haven't had any problems THAT I'M AWARE OF***, I haven't been 100% aware of symptoms. Please start a thread for it if there isn't one already! Everyone thinks that blood in poop is a symptom because that is what so many...
  12. starlingdaly

    Unusually high mortality rates in chicks for 2013

    No, I never treat my birds for cocci preemptively. None of the chicks have symptoms of it (no blood in poop) so I have seen no need to treat for something they will build immunity to gradually and naturally. RoseMarie1, I will be replacing it next time I'm in town (possibly tomorrow) in case it...
  13. starlingdaly

    Unusually high mortality rates in chicks for 2013

    RoseMarie1, I wonder if my vitamin and electrolyte powder can go bad? It's about a year old, but I haven't stored it in an air tight container or anything (just the bag rolled up) and it is pretty humid in my house because our floor is a concrete slab. Cknldy, I do think that most of my...
  14. starlingdaly

    Unusually high mortality rates in chicks for 2013

    It does appear they drink a little bit more when the water is plain. I wouldn't think the difference is enough to cause dehydration or possible death. I will try the halved water additive idea and see if results are similar to the plain water.
  15. starlingdaly

    Unusually high mortality rates in chicks for 2013

    Good idea. I'll try that today. I use Avian Aqua Miser's watering "nipples" so dirty water generally isn't a problem. Though the container holds enough for 2-3 days worth of water. The first chicks I ever raised I had trained to drink from hamster water bottles which was awesome until they were...
  16. starlingdaly

    Unusually high mortality rates in chicks for 2013

    Hmm, may cut my water additive recipe in half and see if that helps. Gotta refill the water bottle today anyway.
  17. starlingdaly

    Unusually high mortality rates in chicks for 2013

    Poor thing, wagoncab. :( Do you usually have good rates and better luck with shipped eggs? I just put my second batch of shipped eggs in the incubator and am hoping for the best!
  18. starlingdaly

    Unusually high mortality rates in chicks for 2013

    Thank you. It was expected that they would die, but of course that doesn't make it easier. Thankfully no one else is acting worthy of quarantine! Maybe they will be all right here on out. :)
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