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  1. chooks4life

    Is this coop big enough for 6 hens???

    Eh, what lump? Silkies often have a pad on top of their heads, like a cushion, and their crests can be all sorts of shapes. I read somewhere that in many domestic birds that grow crests of feathers on their heads that are not normal for the species, for example silkies as opposed to normal...
  2. chooks4life

    Is this coop big enough for 6 hens???

    Chances are they were raised as chicks in a coop that had no perches, though chicks a week old will start perching. I know I've got a troublemaker when I see a half-hour-past-hatched chick perched on its mother's back already... It's good they're perching, it'll help protect them from some...
  3. chooks4life

    Is this coop big enough for 6 hens???

    Yeah, good idea, Ashburnham. I strategically place different heights and lengths of perches so every bird can roost in peace and also to facilitate any scapegoat's escape from bullying. Definitely a good thing to do with any coop.
  4. chooks4life

    Is this coop big enough for 6 hens???

    The reason they dust bathe is to rid themselves of lice and to clean their feathers. Doesn't make the most sense that rolling in dirt cleans anything but it does if they've got enough natural oils in their diet, lol. My pekin/silky mixes were boss of the coop until they got smashed, one by a...
  5. chooks4life

    Is this coop big enough for 6 hens???

    Hey arena26, I'm an Aussie too. In the heat of summer, almost no amount of shade will make the difference if your birds don't have a dampish dustbath. Left to their own devices, freeranging, they will find a shady spot under a tree or similar where the dirt is cool and fairly damp but not wet...
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