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  1. KenK

    What are you canning now?

    Quote: I have that one. it is good piece of equipment so far. Get the largest size if you are planning on putting a lot of things up. It takes a while for it to cool down and to get the next batch in, so the more room you have the quicker you can wrap it all up and go to bed. (you canners...
  2. KenK

    What are you canning now?

    I had a head of broccoli that was starting to bolt, had a few yellow flowers on it. Per the "Center for Food Preservation" instructions; I steamed it for five minutes and froze. I hope it will be good enough for casseroles anyway. 4.30 in the afternoon and it is 76 degrees outside, I think we...
  3. KenK

    What are you canning now?

    Quote: Anybody ever buy the "krisp kraut" from the store? It's in the refrigerator case in a plastic pouch. That's my favorite, only buy it when I'm really craving a Reuben sandwich though. Going to have an overload of cabbages so I just may try making some kraut this year.
  4. KenK

    What are you canning now?

    Quote: That sounds tasty. Recipe, please.
  5. KenK

    What are you canning now?

    Quote: It wouldn't be to me because they freeze well and we have plenty of freezer space.
  6. KenK

    What are you canning now?

    Quote: Best thing I ever did was downsize, it's hard to hold back in the spring sometimes but I've been making myself.
  7. KenK

    What are you canning now?

    Quote: My grandmother used to dry apple slices. I have a Hubbard Squash stored under the sideboard. I usually plant 3-4 different kinds of tomatoes. I've started them from seed but lately have just been buying plants at the feed store. Brandywine is the most ubiquitous heirloom and is quite...
  8. KenK

    What are you canning now?

    Most pressure cookers are too small to be real useful as a canner but if your jars fit I don't see why a cooker wouldn't work just fine. You will need a rack to on the bottom. Check to see if the cooker is designed to operate at canner pressures, about 11 pounds.
  9. KenK

    What are you canning now?

    Quote: Recipe please.
  10. KenK

    What are you canning now?

    It will absolutely be good for several weeks in the refrigerator. Would probably be good for months on the pantry shelf but if you have room to keep it cold that would probably be safer.
  11. KenK

    What are you canning now?

    Four pints and a quart of pepper sauce.
  12. KenK

    What are you canning now?

    Quote: I like to grow garlic in a container on my deck in the winter time. We pretty much eat it all while it's still green, like a spring onion. It's nice to have just a little something fresh and home grown in the winter. I plant cloves from the grocery store.
  13. KenK

    What are you canning now?

    I've got enough hot peppers to make another batch of jelly or relish. Having a hard time talking myself into it. Supposed to rain Monday so maybe I'll get bored and do it.
  14. KenK

    What are you canning now?

    I agree that none of them are hard to peel and I always do. Never fooled much with the Roma tomatoes much but I had some this year. As I was peeling them I figured out that I could pick one up in my left hand and cut the stem end off and then just pop the whole tomato out of the skin, kind of...
  15. KenK

    What are you canning now?

    If you don't want to pickle your green tomatoes they are very tasty fried. Slice about a half inch think, dredge in flour, cornmeal or whatever other batter you might like and pan fry them in shallow oil. They make a good BLT fried up that way.
  16. KenK

    What are you canning now?

    Congratulations on all those blue ribbons! I've got some pepper relish I'd like to take to the fair, just to see the looks on the judges faces when they tasted it.
  17. KenK

    What are you canning now?

    I try to keep my sweet tooth in check but I'd sure like to have one dollop of that pear honey on a biscuit. Just to see if it was good or not. : ) I agree that it's not worth the effort to grow corn but I end up doing it every other year or two. Mine did good this year and then got blown down...
  18. KenK

    What are you canning now?

    I had a blue hubbard squash that I quartered and roasted in a 350 oven for about an hour. Cut the meat out of the rind and cut it up into one inch cubes and froze it using food saver bags. I haven't thawed and eaten a package yet so it maybe terrible.
  19. KenK

    What are you canning now?

    I seeded a five gallon bucket of Serranos last summer and my hands burned for a week. Got latex gloves to wear if I have to do enough to can. I like to hold the halved peppers in one hand and scrape the seeds out with a teaspoon so I tend to get a lot on me.
  20. KenK

    What are you canning now?

    I thought you were supposed to put them in the light to "green".. They aren't doing anything now so I'm going to put them in a paper sack when I get home.
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