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  1. Raech

    What are you canning now?

    I dont use stems but i don't see why not for a sauce.
  2. Raech

    What are you canning now?

    So far i have made 7 quarts of tomato sauce; 3 pints of tomato sauce and 4 pints of spaghetti sauce going right now. I have more tomato sauce in the crockpot and on the stove. I let the crockpot cook down last night, and got the perfect consistancy for sauce by this morning. It was really nice...
  3. Raech

    What are you canning now?

    Going to drag all my canning supplies out this weekend and make up some tomato soup and salsa. I need a tomato soup recipe if we have any on here. We like the campbells tomato soup but i want to make my own this year. Thank you in advance.
  4. Raech

    What are you canning now?

    Well it is a well seasoned canner, might need the ring replaced, my grandma's needed her ring replaced and i believe we found one at Ace hardware
  5. Raech

    What are you canning now?

    So far I am on batch number 3, with about 2 more to go, the remaining pears on sitting on my front porch waiting to be brought in the house. I have 2 more milk cartons filled with pears at my dad's house waiting to be brought over here. Had my kids try it and they both loved it, Hubby not so...
  6. Raech

    What are you canning now?

    Quick question, I am canning pear buttter. The recipe says it does it in pints, i want to use 1/2 pints. Can I use 1/2 pints and just cook it at the recommended time(10 minutes) for pints?
  7. Raech

    What are you canning now?

    Found a recipe for canning apple and pear butter, is it safe to can? I know some things you cant because it is too thick, my concern is will butters be too thick? Recipe says to process for 10 minutes in a water bath canner.
  8. Raech

    What are you canning now?

    I dry basil and oregano, sometimes if I get enough parsley. You can either put it in the oven for a day or 2, depending on how wet they are then run though a coffee grinder(super quick and I love it) or you can use a dehydrator then grind or rub between your hands(this way hurt my hands and I...
  9. Raech

    What are you canning now?

    that bowl would not have made it to jelly in my house, it might not have even made it to the house
  10. Raech

    What are you canning now?

    Looks delicious. I have never tried fig jelly before but I might just have to now. If i can ever get enough stuff and time, I will be making jelly this year.
  11. Raech

    What are you canning now?

    I do my lids and rings on the stove. I drop my rings in the the big pot and fish them out once it is up to a boil, and my lids in a little sauce pan off to the side. I suppose you could do the rings in the oven, just on a separate pan(in my case) but that is a lot more bending than I would like...
  12. Raech

    What are you canning now?

    Well, one pan turned out well, the other I cooked a little bit too long. I kept drying it because the plastic rolled over the puree and steamed the edges of it, so I used another butter knife to hold the plastic down since it was mostly done. Gave the boys the gooey part since it was just about...
  13. Raech

    What are you canning now?

    Puree your fruit until it is smooth(5 cups worth), add 1 Tbsp lemon juice and 1-2 Tbsp honey until desired sweetness. Then lay plastic wrap over a cookie sheet that has a lip on it. Leave a couple of inches of plastic all around it, the puree pulls it in as it fills the pan. Put oven on lowest...
  14. Raech

    What are you canning now?

    I sterilize my jars in the oven, for the simple fact of I have hardly any counter space(one counter on either side of the sink). I like it because I can just leave them in the oven and fill as I go. On a side note, making apricot leather today, and probably tomorrow if my oven doesn't hurry...
  15. Raech

    What are you canning now?

    Awesome thank you Bock
  16. Raech

    What are you canning now?

    My family and I really like the Ball Blue Book's Zesty Salsa
  17. Raech

    What are you canning now?

    Picked enough peas today to fill 2 18oz peanutbutter jars and a mayo container as well. They are currently sitting in the freezer until I get enough peas to can them all.Has anybody froze fresh peas then canned them later? I havne't looked in the books yet to see how to can peas, but I am...
  18. Raech

    What are you canning now?

    I second JesseK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Raech

    What are you canning now?

    I want to so bean n bacon soup, it is my favorite. The kids enjoy it but Hubby doesn't, he likes baked beans but not bean soup. I will try to do a few of B&B maybe this next year and lots of tomato soup.
  20. Raech

    What are you canning now?

    I found someone who wants pears I canned last year(maybe 2 years ago)!!!!! Since I have such a large amount of pears I am willing to give some away to family. My nephew recently got married, moved back to town, bought a house and had a baby boy!!! Actually got to talk to his wife on Thanksgiving...
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