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  1. RockyToggRanch

    What are you canning now?

    Pickled green beans are the fave here. I can't do enough...
  2. RockyToggRanch

    What are you canning now?

    Exactly! I'll buy Ragu...but I'll make my own preserves and
  3. RockyToggRanch

    What are you canning now?

    blanching and peeling goes amusingly fast when you get the right timing:)
  4. RockyToggRanch

    What are you canning now?

    I tried tomato sce early 20 yrs ago. Did it once and said forget it. I'll can tomatoes, but not sce. EVERYTHING else is SOOOO worth it! DO NOT give up!!!
  5. RockyToggRanch

    What are you canning now?

    I crank the AC and do my canning or make cheese or soap....I'd like to get my gardens weeded and barn cleaned...but I'm stuck in here where it's cool:) bummer
  6. RockyToggRanch

    What are you canning now?

    from the Ball canning book... Strawberry Margarita Preserves 6 cups halved, hulled strawberries 2 cups chopped, cored, peeled, tart apples 1/4 cup lemon jc 4 cups sugar 1/2 cup tequila 1/2 cup orange liqueur 2 tbsp strawberry schnapps (optional) Combine strawberries, apples and lemon jc...
  7. RockyToggRanch

    What are you canning now?

    Strawberry Margarita preserves.... yummy
  8. RockyToggRanch

    What are you canning now?

    I DON"T HAVE THAT YET!!!!!! OMG! I SOOOO NEED THAT! Where do I find one Quote: these are really nice too- I just got one last year and I LOVE it! No more lids sticking together! My lids always stick and then I get hot...
  9. RockyToggRanch

    What are you canning now?

    You don't need a pressure canner for high acid stuff like tomatoes or for pickles or jams.
  10. RockyToggRanch

    What are you canning now?

    Pickled beans are a favorite here.
  11. RockyToggRanch

    What are you canning now?

    Quote: I would love that opportunity!
  12. RockyToggRanch

    What are you canning now?

    We cold pack our dilly beans. We add lots of garlic and some red pepper flakes. Then water bath until they JUST start to turn color. Never as long as the recipes call for:( they'd be rubber or mush. We've made them for yrs with never a problem sealing or staying fresh. We have to hide them. Even...
  13. RockyToggRanch

    What are you canning now?

    Our local orchard has them still. TSC has been out for awhile. I just bought 24 pkgs of lids and bands for a buck a pkg at the dollar store. Ball brand regular mouth. I can't even get lids for that. I'll have plenty for awhile:)
  14. RockyToggRanch

    What are you canning now?

    Quote: That's great! Congrats:)
  15. RockyToggRanch

    What are you canning now?

    Am I the only one who has a huge problem with eating food made in other people's kitchens (that I don't know)? Sometimes even that I do know? I just can't bring myself to do it. It's bad enough at restaurants where they're inspected monthly.... me crazy...
  16. RockyToggRanch

    What are you canning now?

    I HAVE to make a batch of feta before I can can anything. I also have 2 batches of soap to make this weekend, which is why I skipped the farmers mkt today. I'd really love to make some chili sauce. I just got the grandmas recipe:) But.... I had better just do up some applesauce to use up these...
  17. RockyToggRanch

    What are you canning now?

    I grew up surrounded by the onion mucklands in Scriba:) zone 4 and full of rocks. Then we moved north east to Albion/Altmar in the woods and zone 4 with very sandy loose soil. Not to mention even more lake effect snow. This year I have been canning like my life depends on it. I wonder if it's...
  18. RockyToggRanch

    What are you canning now?

    Quote: Rocky where are you here in the upstate that you still have raspberries? That's awesome! Mine went by a while ago. Im busy trying to use up green tomatoes I'm in Altmar...near Pulaski area. It's zone 4 I moved here 4 yrs ago from zone 5. I used to think that was a short growing...
  19. RockyToggRanch

    What are you canning now?

    Quote:'ve been busy! All that looks so-oooo good. Looks great! Very nice job on those. Raspberry chipotle???? Recipe please:) mmmmm.....
  20. RockyToggRanch

    What are you canning now?

    Quote:'s been about 6 yrs since we lost our mustard supplier. I've searched high and low...nothing. We're thrilled to have it back. We've tried several others we've bought and couldn't come close. Thanks again. My sister in NC wants me to send her
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