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  1. chicks4kids

    What are you canning now?

    Quote: Make sure that you put some vaseline on the metal first ooooh... I saw that somewhere! Cool, now I know they were for real. They suggested a pea size amount every 2-3 uses. Going to do that shortly, right now I had to mop the floor and its taking FOREVER to dry. I must admit though...
  2. chicks4kids

    What are you canning now?

    Quote: I don't know?! I am running a test on the seal here shortly, had to make dinner and clean first. I think I will finish that batch of lavender jelly, and some lavender ice cream syrup When I feel good after a seal or 2, I will do chicken broth!!!! Make sure that you put some...
  3. chicks4kids

    What are you canning now?

    Quote: That'll work. I love it! I think it's a good price. If you have a turkey fryer, you could use that too for your canning. I've got a 41 qt. AA and use my turkey fryer outside for that. Congratulations!!
  4. chicks4kids

    What are you canning now?

    Quote: I think you are correct. I usually get a little residue as well...sometimes I simply just don't tighten them enough But it's fine. Congrats on the soup! There's nothing like home canned soup!
  5. chicks4kids

    What are you canning now?

    Quote: Nice!! My lowes was only down to $.83 for lids........good score!!
  6. chicks4kids

    What are you canning now?

    So my friend just dropped off a bushel of pears from her tree with an invitation to come and get more if I wanted....what should I do with them? Just can them and call it done? That's what I normally do, but are there any good, different recipes out there for pears? I'm open for suggestions!
  7. chicks4kids

    What are you canning now?

    OK, we just went to our towns carnival (fund raiser for the school where they make a %) and hubby just picked up 3 more lbs. of wax peppers........I'll be making pickled pepper rings on Sunday.....gotta do concessions at the Notre Dame game tomorrow-that's why the peppers won't get done til...
  8. chicks4kids

    What are you canning now?

    Quote: A quick google search turned up the link I'm gonna try it! What kinds of things do you use it for? Drinking?? I have a bushel of peaches coming on Saturday and I can't wait to use them. I also want to do a shout...
  9. chicks4kids

    What are you canning now?

    Quote: A quick google search turned up the link I'm gonna try it!
  10. chicks4kids

    What are you canning now?

    Quote: Are you guys watching craigslist at all?? Maybe you could find 'em there?? I lucked out and just picked up over 500 jars today, bands, utensils, 2 pressure cookers, and a wb'er from a woman who just can't do it anymore...seems like people are trying to clean out and make storage...
  11. chicks4kids

    What are you canning now?

    Quote: That half a jar is always the jar that goes in the fridge for me But yes, you can still wb it, but it's the one you should use first
  12. chicks4kids

    What are you canning now?

    Finally done with this project!! Here's what I did with my extra roos (9 of 'em)......pressure cooked them yesterday (shoulda taken a pic. of all those birds in the pressure cooker) and seperated the breast meat from the rest of the meat and strained and boiled the broth last night...left it...
  13. chicks4kids

    What are you canning now?

    Quote: Did you try any of this yet? It sounds wonderful to have on hand for sure!! Did it set up for you or are you still waiting?
  14. chicks4kids

    What are you canning now?

    dot n'dave : I have a question!! I have been water bath canning Hot Hungarian Wax peppers for days!!! The first few batches I was slicing them into rings an everything was coming out fine. Then I decided yesterday I was sick of cutting them and so I made a batch with them whole. I did slash...
  15. chicks4kids

    What are you canning now?

    Quote: You water bath (WB) applesauce...quarts are 25 minutes.......never done it in half gallon jars.......
  16. chicks4kids

    What are you canning now?

    Quote: Those look beautiful! I want to make some too. I see pears, peaches, grapes, cherries. What else did you use? I was thinking of pineapple too. Do you raw pack or hot? How long did you process those quarts of mixed fruit? Thanks. Thanks, I cold pack. I use pears, grapes...
  17. chicks4kids

    What are you canning now?

    I had to can some more fruit cocktail because the kids are wolfing it down. I also canned just plain old green grapes as well to either eat straight out of the jar or to throw in some jello or something. Grapes were $.99 so I couldn't pass them up. The really dark jars are fruit cocktail...
  18. chicks4kids

    What are you canning now?

    Quote: You can make any store bought juice into jelly... just some pectin and sugar and your golden! I checked this morning and my pear jelly's have still not set. So cross your fingers by tomorrow they have! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease I would check to see what they've added to the...
  19. chicks4kids

    What are you canning now?

    Quote: I hear ya' there! I've been making all of our usual favorites...and this year I've done some fruit cocktail--Man oh Man! The kids are going through it like MAD!! They've never been fruit cocktail fans....until now! I too am trying to find new places to stash stuff!
  20. chicks4kids

    What are you canning now?

    I made this soup today and it is wonderful! I loved it! I made mine with 8 qts. tomatoes though instead of the 4 the recipe states. I also rendered down the maters and ran them through the sieve first, then low boiled with the cloves, and that worked perfect for me! Thanks for sharing that...
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