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  1. sonew123

    What are you canning now?

    Goodness gracious!!! How big is your family???
  2. sonew123

    What are you canning now?

    Holy berries batman!!!! Thats sick!! Congrats!!!
  3. sonew123

    What are you canning now?

    Thank you!!!
  4. sonew123

    What are you canning now?

    Ooooh nice! Recipe please?
  5. sonew123

    What are you canning now?

    Best wild blueberry picking year ever!!! Ive gone two nights in a row and hope to go back again tonight!!! 12-13 lbs so far...The rains have brought huge full berries this year!!! Blackberries are a month off and the raspberries seem to be non existent this year???
  6. sonew123

    What are you canning now?

    Ok going from memory Enough sliced radishes for 4 sterile pint jars packed. Slow boil 1 cup ACV 1 cup water 8 tsp kosher salt 2 tbs sugar 2 tbsp colored peppercorns 2 tbs mustard seed 1/4 whole corriander When jars are sterile and before adding radishes...slive a clove ofngarlic in each...
  7. sonew123

    What are you canning now?

    Pickled radishes from the farmers market...I paid too much for them but they were beautiful and I couldnt help it :P
  8. sonew123

    What are you canning now?

    That sounds amazing!! Wish I had that experience with my grandmother! Where in NY are you?
  9. sonew123

    What are you canning now?

    Ugh!!! Sorry ;( we killed pretty much our whole garden last year with the late frost;( i feel yah!
  10. sonew123

    What are you canning now?

    My peas are 2 feet tall! LOL I thoguht I was late getting my plants in! lol Sorry couldnt help it. The deer ate the tops off of all my peas a few weeks ago and I left them and place netting around them...They have grown back wonderfully and can't wait!
  11. sonew123

    What are you canning now?

    Id like an answer too! I have rhubarb starts with pencil thin stalks! I want the BIG MEATY ones :P How long to I have to wait! I have to say I did peel and eat a pencil thin one with a dash of salt--ewww weee tasty stuff!
  12. sonew123

    What are you canning now?

    The dandelion jelly i used called for 4 cups of petals...took me over two hours to fingers are still stained horribly. Dirty looking really :( Very tedious work...I will most likely NOT do it again...but Im glad I tried it once :P
  13. sonew123

    What are you canning now?

    Dandelion jelly!!! All though I spilled two jars on the counter !! Grrrrr what a sticky mess!!!
  14. sonew123

    What are you canning now?

    That is my favorite jam!! I sold almost 200 jars of it this past fall!! Its my extra birthday and xmas $ since both my girls bdays are in late Nov!!
  15. sonew123

    What are you canning now?

    and there's the "friend" I was talking about!! :P The links didn't work for me either :/
  16. sonew123

    What are you canning now?

    I just printed this one out! I heard my friend talking about this type of jelly just today!!
  17. sonew123

    What are you canning now?

    Thank you!!!!! I LIKE spicy!!! I'll post photos when Im done--its a ton of sugar:( I have 8 cups of the Blossom broth which means 16 cups of sugar!!! whoa~
  18. sonew123

    What are you canning now?

    I picked tons of apple blossoms yesterday for jelly making tonight!!! I can't wait and thank you for the idea! Im going to attemp dandelion jelly too!
  19. sonew123

    What are you canning now?

    And how do you make them!!?? Lol
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