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  1. wendigo

    1 month old rooster flew out of my hands

    He's very energic today. He runs picking fights with other roosters. I'll take this as good news.
  2. wendigo

    1 month old rooster flew out of my hands

    It happened about 5 hours ago. He doesn't seem to be limping or anything, it's just that he isn't walking that much. Mostly stays in one place looking around. At one point he was trying to balance himself, literally looked like a drunk guy trying not to trip over to the side. He also seems...
  3. wendigo

    1 month old rooster flew out of my hands

    And fell on the ground. It was a pretty long fall, now he is just standing most of the time doing nothing. When he tries to walk he clearly has some problems and he supports himself with his wings (which he also holds a bit down). I didn't feel any abnormal bumps on his legs. Is there anything I...
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