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  1. CayugaLover

    The Hunger Games --- Awesome RP!

    okays. :) I understand.
  2. CayugaLover

    The Hunger Games --- Awesome RP!

    Huh. I thought someone had hacked into your profile. I was going to ask if you had an older brother that knew your password. :3
  3. CayugaLover

    The Hunger Games --- Awesome RP!

    That's weird. You didn't used to have that opinion. Are you okay?
  4. CayugaLover

    The Hunger Games --- Awesome RP!

    I can describe the token. :) It's a silver necklace, with a silver key pendant. The key has a heart on the top, sprouting six wings out the sides and top. The heart has a star in the middle, and the star has a blue gem in the middle. The bottom of the key, the part you would stick in a lock...
  5. CayugaLover

    The Hunger Games --- Awesome RP!

    Username CayugaLover Character name Chelsea Feather District 9 Age 13 Gender F Personal token: It's the key to her diary, where she writes songs and poetry. it was a gift a friend, long ago, who died in a previous hunger games. Personality: She's innocent, sweet, and naïve. She sees the best in...
  6. CayugaLover

    The Hunger Games --- Awesome RP!

    Hey, guys! I've been busy, and basically nonexistent internet-wise. >.< Sorry. I'ma see which are open, and maybe take another district. :)
  7. CayugaLover

    The Hunger Games --- Awesome RP!

    (Yay! I'll make a male charrie soon, but right now I can't think of anything creative... :3)
  8. CayugaLover

    The Hunger Games --- Awesome RP!

    I like your token. So sparkly. <3 I could make the male tribute for district 7, if you want. :)
  9. CayugaLover

    The Hunger Games --- Awesome RP!

    I would like to reserve the district 1 tributes, if that's okay. :)
  10. CayugaLover

    The Hunger Games --- Awesome RP!

    plus 7 is another 'lucky' number. ;)
  11. CayugaLover

    The Hunger Games --- Awesome RP!

    District 7, lumber, is open. I think that would fit your character best. :)
  12. CayugaLover

    The Hunger Games --- Awesome RP!

    Oh, dear. I took 3... But I can look at what districts are open, and see if there's one to fit your character!
  13. CayugaLover

    The Hunger Games --- Awesome RP!

    I watched the movie recently - not Catching Fire, but the first one. It was so awesome! I can't wait to see Catching Fire. Can't say I stayed in character very well though. I was laughing through the gory parts. :3
  14. CayugaLover

    The Hunger Games --- Awesome RP!

    *inhales deeply* yay.
  15. CayugaLover

    The Hunger Games --- Awesome RP!

    you should totally join mollybrown!! :D
  16. CayugaLover

    The Hunger Games --- Awesome RP!

    I will consider taking on another district if you want.
  17. CayugaLover

    The Hunger Games --- Awesome RP!

    Okay, i'll put my charries there if they aren't there already. :)
  18. CayugaLover

    The Hunger Games --- Awesome RP!

    are my charries accepted? :3
  19. CayugaLover

    The Hunger Games --- Awesome RP!

    YAAAY icefire's back!!! How many more charries do we need? I will fill up another district or two if needed. I really want to start this RP! :D
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