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  1. RedDrgn

    Broken Chicken Bones

    We are too, sort's bittersweet since we hope his antics don't end up causing more harm. Ergh, randy boy chickens. Thanks! That's the first time I've had to deal with any medical issues with a roo, and I must say that while he was much easier to handle when it came to setting the...
  2. RedDrgn

    Broken Chicken Bones

    So we kept our roo in the crate in the garage until last night (8 days since breaking his toe). He was right by our three new chicks, but they all totally ignored each other. By day 6, he was just laying around the crate, doing very little and looking like a sad, droopy dishrag. He'd eat and...
  3. RedDrgn

    Broken Chicken Bones

    Birds are absolutely ruthless; if a flockmate has any kind of injury/illness that others can detect, they don't seem to hesitate to drive them off or outright kill them (if they can). D: It's why they are so good at masking injuries/illness. Glad to hear she's improving!
  4. RedDrgn

    Broken Chicken Bones

    He didn't really tolerate it from the moment we put him in there. XD He wanted out, bad! But he doesn't have a whole lot of choice, because he otherwise runs all over the garage and goes nuts trying to get to his flock (whom he can hear and will come to right outside of the door when he gets...
  5. RedDrgn

    Broken Chicken Bones

    He's on a 20% protein flock-raiser diet for a staple, so hopefully that will help with the healing, if he doesn't keep mucking it up by acting like there's not a darn thing wrong with him. That seems reasonable enough. They apparently knit quite a lot faster than our bones, that's for sure...
  6. RedDrgn

    Broken Chicken Bones

    Our 8lb rooster did his duty and got between two 50lb dogs (roaming loose/stray and never before seen anywhere in our area before) and his girls yesterday. He led both dogs on a lengthy high speed chase (our security cams captured the entire thing) all over our property before one dog managed...
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