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  1. chook27

    Eggtopsy (GRAPHIC)

    @Habibs Hens Thanks for your reply. Are you an expert at CLB and other breeds? Here's a pic of the rest of the chicks. The three darker ones are from the same lot of eggs as the dead chick. I presumed the darker ones are the purer bred ones, but I am clueless! I was going on the type/colour of...
  2. chook27

    Eggtopsy (GRAPHIC)

    It's either a cream crested leg bar or a cross thereof. Thanks for all the input so far. This is a real shame as this was my only fertilized egg that did no hatch. Still got two others that might not be 100%, but at least they hatched. I had never seen any movement with this one at all. It was...
  3. chook27

    Eggtopsy (GRAPHIC)

    Here is a picture of one of my baby chicks. I opened the egg on day 25 and there was no life in it. When do you think development stopped and is there anything obvious that tells you why it passed away? Thanks. RIP baby chick.
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