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  1. Chicken Girl1


    I swim at the Spotsy Y almost every day!
  2. Chicken Girl1


    I have 2 nearby, one on route 3 (Fredericksburg) and one in Stafford somewhere. Sadly won't be able to check out though the reason is a happy one, a wedding :).
  3. Chicken Girl1


    Sorry to hear @ApiaryandAviary. It is never easy to let go of your birds.
  4. Chicken Girl1


    Goodness, sorry. I need my coffee......
  5. Chicken Girl1


    I wouldn't always recommend hatchery RIRs for dual purpose, a lot of hatcheries haven't bred them for that purpose so they are on the smaller side. Not all places just some.
  6. Chicken Girl1


    Yup, I have a "mutt" myself :). She's the one in the avatar. If you want to get an idea on what your chickens maybe you can check out the what breed or gender forum:
  7. Chicken Girl1


    I highly advise checking out the learning center if you haven't already done so!
  8. Chicken Girl1


    For anyone interested in buying chicks from feed stores in their area 360 farm and pet is in the Fredericksburg, VA area and are very good. I've gone to TSC the past 4 years but found them online and like them so much better.
  9. Chicken Girl1


    Ameracaunas are the prettiest birds! I've always wanted one! Good to know!
  10. Chicken Girl1


    How exciting! What breeds are you going to hatch? Still don't have enough room to add more to the flock, but if I did I would look for Orpingtons.
  11. Chicken Girl1


    The thread has been pretty quiet. Sorry I can't help with your questions on NPIP certification, but I would also like to here what others have to say on the subject!
  12. Chicken Girl1


    I was looking mostly for EEs, Buff Orpingtons, and Barred Rocks.
  13. Chicken Girl1


    That sounds great, thank you!
  14. Chicken Girl1


    I wasn't sure because on the website all they sell are golden comets, did they sell you chicks or pullets?
  15. Chicken Girl1


    Well at the moment I'm looking for pure bred because I want to get the same breed of rooster and maybe breed them.
  16. Chicken Girl1


    Do you know if they sell any other breeds besides golden comets?
  17. Chicken Girl1


    I will look at there website, thank you!
  18. Chicken Girl1


    Hello fellow Virginians! I was wondering if anyone could suggest breeders/small hatcheries with a variety of chick selections in our state? Thanks a million! ~Chicken Girl1
  19. Chicken Girl1


    I had some last year but some predators got to them. But I want to get some more this year.
  20. Chicken Girl1


    Am I all alone here?
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