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  1. chickengrl


    Quote: If there is no cover on the pen, I have a bad feeling that something ate them. They are really easy prey without a closed coop. Sorry!
  2. chickengrl


    Hello from Nokesville...Prince William County. Almost neighbors.
  3. chickengrl


    Quote: There's a breeder about an hour away from Richmond (so not awfully far from Charlottesville) who sells lemon-blue (which if bred a certain way can give splash as well, I believe) LF Cochins (not a standard LF color, but they're very pretty): Also, I ordered...
  4. chickengrl


    Dang! Dang! Dang! And other unsavory, non kid friendly words. We lost one of my Maran's hen to another stinkin' fox! She was a Whitmore girl from up in Maryland. A couple years old, but i really liked her...ya know? I was out running errands and DH was upstairs sleeping since he is...
  5. chickengrl


    Yep, chicken math is killing us here. I have really been hatching way to many chicks, cuz it is so fun! The problem is I have now outgrown our coop and DH hasn't had time to build a new one. He won't let me get a ready made one either. It's killing me.
  6. chickengrl


    sorry, no polish here. Also, don't think anyone I have bought from locally had them either. You might try ordering them from a hatchery or breeder as day old chicks. The day olds are safer anyway, less chance of bringing a disease home. Good luck!
  7. chickengrl


    Hey! We are neighbors! WELCOME TO BYC! I have learned tons from folks on here. I think you are going to love it too.
  8. chickengrl


    Wow, guys! That was a rough night last night!! We had a tornado come through Nokesville/Bristow and tore up a couple houses and a shopping center. Luckily stayed several miles from us. I was still chicken enough to go down in the basement. I told myself i was checking the chicks in the...
  9. chickengrl


    Quote: Yea me too The Great Dismal swamp national wildlife refuge My front yard are the marshes of the Elizabeth river LOL Mine isn't quite as "nice" sounding as the Great Dismal swamp! Mine is more like the Great Dang Mousquito Breedin' muck hole that my Labradors love to run through and...
  10. chickengrl


    Sorry, no Polish or Silkies here. We are, however, being over- run with buff Japanese bantams. I have chicks from 1-6 weeks and really would like to find homes for them. They are breeder quality, and could work on them to get show quality. They need to have a shorter leg. PM me for more...
  11. chickengrl


    I would still reccomend 30 days. A chicken can appear perfectly healthy and still be a carrier of the respiratory diseases. That amount of time allows the disease a chance to show itself. It isn't 100% foolproof by any means. Some breeders with very valuble breeding stock will even add a...
  12. chickengrl


    Don't forget to quarantine any birds bought from a poultry swap or even private breeder for 30 days at least. Not to be a kill joy, we brought home a very nasty respiratory disease from a swap last Fall. Killed several of our birds before it slowed down. I just hate to see anyone else go...
  13. chickengrl


    Gold Griffin , hope you enjoy those chicks. We have 4, 4 week old BLRW from Bishop's in our brooder now. They are little wild ones at this age! We also hatched 4 Lavender Orps from his Dad. They are doing great so far. We also hatched 4 of our EE and I am pretty sure they are all roosters...
  14. chickengrl


    Hello all, we are newly legal chicken owners here in Prince William County. They just passed the new ordinance recently. We are in Nokesville and just wanted to say: yiipchick HELLO!
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