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  1. chickenlady08


    Does anyone have near me (eastern Shore) have any day old chicks they want to get rid of. I don't want any silkies or similiar because I don't have small chickens. I need to give a few to my 2 last broody hens because their eggs got destroyed by the other chickens.
  2. chickenlady08


    Sure looks like a Delaware roo to me. My 'Jack' looks just like him.
  3. chickenlady08


    Quote: I don't live in Norfolk but I do live over on the Eastern shore,in Accomac. I live in a very rural area. Actually we live on a farm with 22 acres. But our family owns about 800 acres on Folly Creek. I don't know how many chickens you can have in Norfolk but if I ever move I will always...
  4. chickenlady08


    Quote: OMG! I am also in Accomack County, on the Eastern Shore:) Where exactly are you located? I live in Accomac?
  5. chickenlady08


    Quote: I took at your page and saw the California white chicken. wow they are pretty. They resemble the White Leghorn (maybe a little bigger but not much) beautiful combs. My Jill is my only Leghorn and she is pretty, small and lays beautiful medium/large eggs. She was traded for my RIR...
  6. chickenlady08


    Quote: I took at your page and saw the California white chicken. wow they are pretty. They resemble the White Leghorn (maybe a little bigger but not much) beautiful combs. My Jill is my only Leghorn and she is pretty, small and lays beautiful medium/large eggs. She was traded for my RIR...
  7. chickenlady08


    MomtoSyd&Emma : Our SSH is a ham, she isnt as friendly as the buffs but she is not aloof neither! our SSH are probably pretty docile and aren't very friendly. They are not mean but just aloof. Pretty though!
  8. chickenlady08


    Quote: Actually, you have more birds than me! I just have more breeds. I only have 1 Buff Orpington left and she is not my favorite. I am not a big fan of them. Now CALIFORNIA WHITES on the other hand are THE BEST breed I have EVER had!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are VERY...
  9. chickenlady08


    Quote: Wow you sure do have a lot more than I do! I am not sure but I think the aracauna and americana is the same chicken (mine lays blueish colored eggs) I think they are actually EE's. I truly love mine whatever they are. We ordered with my husband's boss and we got 25 and his boss got...
  10. chickenlady08


    MomtoSyd&Emma : Quote: Are the Buff Rock a purebreed or a mix? I love my Barred Rocks. I really want some Buff orpingtons, they are beautiful. Actually I haven't seen many that I don't love. Ya know I am not sure lol I saw a post on BYC a while back that was discussing the leg color on what...
  11. chickenlady08


    MomtoSyd&Emma : Quote: Hi!! I to am from Roanoke, we are in the Monterey/Breckenridge middle school, school district! We have Buff orpingtons, a buff rock and a silver spangled hamburg! What breeds do you have?? Are the Buff Rock a purebreed or a mix? I love my Barred Rocks. I really want...
  12. chickenlady08


    Quote: Hi there, You are a few hours away from me, you live in a beautiful part of Virginia (as do I ) I started back in 2008 with RSL or Red Stars. We had a RIR rooster given to us, but later rehomed him because he was far to aggressive with us. In March 2009, we got 25 babies from...
  13. chickenlady08


    Quote: What breeds do you have? Hi there, You are a few hours away from me, you live in a beautiful part of Virginia (as do I ) I started back in 2008 with RSL or Red Stars. We had a RIR rooster given to us, but later rehomed him because he was far to aggressive with us. In March 2009...
  14. chickenlady08


    I am on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, is anyone closeby or somewhat near me? We are North of Virginia Beach, VA and South of Salisbury Maryland
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