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  1. idahochicka

    Americauna Crowing Hen or Rooster?

    I only plan on hatching chicken eggs when the other chickens reach the end of their egg laying days. As far as the roosters go, I have a lot of friends and family with farms. Others are in parts of town that can have roosters and more then 6 hens. If all else fails they will go in the pot! I...
  2. idahochicka

    Americauna Crowing Hen or Rooster?

    I have been lucky enough to get a few easter egger pullets and am now just waiting for them to lay eggs. 'Berry' the Roo is now happy on a friends farm. He has actually gotten a lot more color around his head and his tail feathers are really long. He is indeed a beautiful bird, I just couldn't...
  3. idahochicka

    Americauna Crowing Hen or Rooster?

    Also I have discovered that 'Berry' is actually a Blue Splash Wheaten Ameraucana. Not sure if that makes a difference, or if its a true 'Ameraucana'.
  4. idahochicka

    Americauna Crowing Hen or Rooster?

    When I originally got the Silkies I was a new egg. I did not research the breed like I should have. Silkies are a very cute chicken but just not a breed for us. Since we live in Boise city limits we are only allowed 6 hens. I am now very selective about the birds and am sure to research prior to...
  5. idahochicka

    Americauna Crowing Hen or Rooster?

    Thank you for the information. They do all have green legs! They are also VERY smart compared to the Wyandottes and Leghorns that I have.
  6. idahochicka

    Americauna Crowing Hen or Rooster?

    What is the difference between Ameraucanas (guess I was spelling that wrong, OOPS!) and the Easter Eggers? My birds are so tame that they will perch on your shoulder like a parrot. My daughter runs through the back yard and they run after her. She can man handle them. Poor Berry even once...
  7. idahochicka

    Americauna Crowing Hen or Rooster?

    The Americauna's? I purchased two sets of 2. Out of the first 2 only 'Berry' survived. He is the very pretty, VERY tame one in the first photos. I got him from a lady that had him delivered to me from Hammett Idaho. I paid $4 each for them. The 2nd set of 2 'Black Head' and 'White Head' I paid...
  8. idahochicka

    Americauna Crowing Hen or Rooster?

    Boo That is it! NO more buying birds from Craigslist! Is this a breed that is harder to sex then others? I was told that Silkies are hard to sex however I purchased three 6 week old chicks from a man in town who rubbed the combs and sexed them. They all turned out to be hens just as he said. I...
  9. idahochicka

    Americauna Crowing Hen or Rooster?

    Is it safe to assume that 'Black Head' my daughters other Americauna is a Roo as well? We purchased these two after one of her others tragically met my inlaws dog. They as well where "sexed" when we got them. Geesh! I am not having luck with this breed! If it is in fact a Roo that might explain...
  10. idahochicka

    Americauna Crowing Hen or Rooster?

    OH POOP! My little girl is going to be so upset :( She has raised this .... guy. He is so tame he sits on our laps. I wonder why the other girls in the coop are so mean to him?
  11. idahochicka

    Americauna Crowing Hen or Rooster?

    I was snuggled in bed this morning cuddled up to my 2 month old little girl when out of the blue I heard something odd from the coop. We live in the city and cant have a rooster. We have two 3 month old Americauna pullets that are roaming free in the back yard and I thought 'Oh NO!' one must be...
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