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  1. FlightsofFancy

    Finch & Canary|Winners posted pg.3

    A great big thank you to Rio for organizing this unique contest!! And A huge THANK YOU to our very talented envirogirl!!! I can't wait to hang the portrait in my bird room and to show it off to my finch friends. They will be soooooooo jealous!!!! So a question for envirogirl......Do you do...
  2. FlightsofFancy

    Finch & Canary|Winners posted pg.3

    COOL BEANS! I don't think I have ever won a thing! THANK YOU!!!!!
  3. FlightsofFancy

    Finch & Canary|Winners posted pg.3

    OMG!! I love your parrot finchs!! I have been searching for those!! They are BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!
  4. FlightsofFancy

    Finch & Canary|Winners posted pg.3

    No more entries?
  5. FlightsofFancy

    Finch & Canary|Winners posted pg.3

    Oh Finches are my favorite!!!!!! I have Societies, Gouldians, Strawberries and will be picking up my new parrot finches next month. Just love them! Great pictures everybody!!! Strawberry Finch Male and Female. They are my beautiful singers! Male Gouldian Finch YH, PB, NB/BB...He's a sweet...
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