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  1. shortgrass

    How much does it cost to feed chickens?

    Chicks should go through less than a pound a week a piece, adults average 1.5 lbs per week, so assume for adult weight; they grow fast... 1.5 lbs per bird x4 birds, 6 lbs per week. 6 lbs x4 weeks is 24 lbs a month :)
  2. shortgrass

    How much does it cost to feed chickens?

    I can see the trouble to go through being pretty costly! I guess I seem to forget that a lot of these places have so many people that in order to even GET to a farm would be a day trip out ofvthe city... I'm in a bubble up here lol :P Oh but alfalfa hay? ;) oh now THAT is choice feed right...
  3. shortgrass

    How much does it cost to feed chickens?

    You might try and see if you have any cattle, pug, or sheep in your area... I'm not following well lol, some were talking about CA, I don't know where you are.... Dairies, feedlots, pigs, turkey and poultry farms... A very good place to call up, meet people, and wheedle your way into getting a...
  4. shortgrass

    How much does it cost to feed chickens?

    Well I didn't mean "scratch" feed; I meant "made from scratch"... I don't use feed crumbles bagged stuff etc... I mix my own from wheat, corn, alfalfa, sorghum, millet, BOSS, molasses, and oyster shell... That's it. Some kitchen and garden scraps, free range type things... My feed costs about...
  5. shortgrass

    How much does it cost to feed chickens?

    We repurpose EVERYTHING lol...old tires, hog panels, milk crates make PERFECT nesting boxes... We used leftover lumber for the first coop, and am renovating a camper right now for a second.. We use old stock tanks for brooders and use them as pools in the summer... The only thing I have bought...
  6. shortgrass

    How much does it cost to feed chickens?

    5 weeks old? Bout a pound a week, per, 8 pounds per month for 2 birds; they'll increase their food intake as they grow older, bout 2 lbs a week per bird.
  7. shortgrass

    How much does it cost to feed chickens?

    Lol that made my brain hurt for some reason... I feed about 5 lbs a day for roughly 60 birds.... All in all, I go through 300# a month or so.... And I mix my own, costs me about $100. Edit* oops, forgot its still summer... Increase that to 500# per month in winter when there's no forage...
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