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  1. ten chicks

    Tail Down, Feather Loss and laying down a lot

    If she is eating,but is all skin and bones then i would think she still may have some parasite. Look up information for egg peritonitis,this is a possibility. Her crop is functioning normally,empties during the night and is full during the day? Check her all over,including bottom of her...
  2. ten chicks

    Tail Down, Feather Loss and laying down a lot

    She is not being picked on by a bully? I have seen this occasionally in one of my girls,she will walk with her tail down and just look depressed. When i see this,i know someone is not being nice, so i go get the bully and she goes to the bully cage for awhile.
  3. ten chicks

    Tail Down, Feather Loss and laying down a lot

    Yes,keep her inside until you can figure what is going on with this gal. Heat is a huge factor,my orpingtons do not deal with heat at all,they are inside my home with A/C on. Feathers missing from breast usually indicates molting or broody.
  4. ten chicks

    Tail Down, Feather Loss and laying down a lot

    Egg could be stuck higher than you can feel. Bring her back inside(if she isn't already)how is her poop? Have you checked her for lice/mites? How does her crop feel?
  5. ten chicks

    Tail Down, Feather Loss and laying down a lot

    Her walking funny could indicate being egg bound. When egg bound,chickens have what we call a "penguin walk",does this sound like her? Here is a link to understand egg binding and treatment. Have you checked her feet,top and bottom,between toes, you are looking for bumps,sores,swelling...
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