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  1. A Nonny Moose

    The Buckeye Thread

    Did you agree with the judging results?
  2. A Nonny Moose

    The Buckeye Thread

    Did everyone have a good time at the Ohio National?
  3. A Nonny Moose

    The Buckeye Thread

    Walt... could you please post the winners? J.R. Hatch J Squared Farms
  4. A Nonny Moose

    The Buckeye Thread

    And too... a bunch of Buckeye folks who think they know everything. J.R. Hatch J Squared Farms
  5. A Nonny Moose

    The Buckeye Thread

    Blueface… Being the sites resident Buckeye guru I have a question for you. There have been times when your birds have competed against other Buckeyes (most notably at a show in Georgia and Tennessee) and yours did not win. Here’s the question… did the best bird win or was some other factor at play??
  6. A Nonny Moose

    The Buckeye Thread

    Yep... still messin' with them red birds and holdin' our own.
  7. A Nonny Moose

    The Buckeye Thread

    510 lbs Corn 315 lbs Roasted Soy Beans 50 lbs Rolled Steamed Oats 50 lbs Alfalfa Meal 13 lbs Aragonite 30 lbs Poultry Nutri-Balancer 135 lbs Fish Meal The above is 22% protein. J.R. Hatch J Squared Farms
  8. A Nonny Moose

    The Buckeye Thread

    Turkaustralorp... "cathead biscuits", a term I haven't heard since I left Tennessee. Ordered biscuits and gravey a while back (north of the Mason/Dixon) and asked the waitress if the biscuits were "cathead biscuit". She kinda looked at me like I had two or three heads. Only in the south... I...
  9. A Nonny Moose

    The Buckeye Thread

    Green grass??? been so long since I've seen it, 'bout ready to spray paint these snow drifts green. Ah well, won't be long now and we'll be complaining about the heat.
  10. A Nonny Moose

    The Buckeye Thread

    Lovely weather we are having. Yesterday we had a record low for the high temp of day for the month of March since they've been keeping records since the late 1800s... the high, 5 above. From there it was all down hill. This morning it was -8 and out of the latest storm to pass through we ended...
  11. A Nonny Moose

    The Buckeye Thread

    FYI... Bob Gilbert was judging a show in Atlanta where he was struck by a car. The limited information I have is that while walking across the street he was struck by a car. Both legs were broken.
  12. A Nonny Moose

    The Buckeye Thread

    <<~~ Just because a bird makes "Best of Breed" at a show doesn't mean that it can be considered a "Champion" unless it tops the class.>> If it is BOB... isn't it the best in "That Class" and if it is the best In "that" class.... isn't it the "champion" of "that class" ?
  13. A Nonny Moose

    The Buckeye Thread

    When they hatch we toe punch. As they get a little older we use color coded zip ties that reflects parentage. It is necessary to replace ties as chick grows but we have never had one come off... yet. The choice of color, which leg, etc, give you almost an endless choice of possibilities for...
  14. A Nonny Moose

    The Buckeye Thread

    Fowlman1... Good to see you back. Don't stay away so long next time.
  15. A Nonny Moose

    The Buckeye Thread

    Good question... how do you copyright something in the public domain??
  16. A Nonny Moose

    The Buckeye Thread

    ~~Wonder what happened to the likes of cgmccary and fowlman1 (Walt). Their insight, wisdom, knowledge and experience is sorely missed. Hope to see both and/or like minded contributors again soon.
  17. A Nonny Moose

    The Buckeye Thread

    I understand and agree. The task before you now is to be able to separate the information from those that have "X" number of years of experience from those that have 1 year of experience "X" number of times. It will be a daunting task.
  18. A Nonny Moose

    The Buckeye Thread

    Many folks will be hatching chicks in the next few months. The following opinion might be of interest. It is from an article published in the November 2013 issues of “International Hatchery Practice” by Pete Sbanotto, product manager Cobb-Vanttress Inc. page 11. “The amount of crude protein...
  19. A Nonny Moose

    The Buckeye Thread

    ~~Minus 14 below zero, quarter inch of ice, six inches of snow and to make it just a perfect day… 20-25 MPH north wind. Now who could ask for anything more? But as the saying goes… and this too will pass, so it did and all ended up just fine. To some of our Buckeyes this is their first...
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