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  1. BlueShadow

    The Buckeye Thread

    There may be a bantam breed of Buckeye, but I do not know of it. The Buckeyes I know are a large standard breed chicken. Maybe not all Buckeyes are as big as mine were (mine got bigger than my Orpingtons), but they certainly will be as big as RIR or Barred Rock or your other large brown egg...
  2. BlueShadow

    The Buckeye Thread

    Buckeyes in general are very friendly birds, but a lot will also depend on how you raise them and how much you interact with them. However, they are also larger birds. So they may or may not be okay for you, depending on how much space you have.
  3. BlueShadow

    The Buckeye Thread

    As best I can remember, my chicks did not have ANY white at any time as they were growing up. The desired color for buckeyes is a deep dark red/brown color. So light gold/yellow feathers (I have plenty in my birds) or lots of black feathers (a couple are okay) are not desirable. I would guess...
  4. BlueShadow

    The Buckeye Thread

    Temperament varies a lot with different lines of Buckeyes. They definitely tend to be docile, but it varies based on handling and genetics. My roosters tend to be a bit aggressive, but they are all unfortunately descended from a relatively aggressive rooster. My last one was raised to be...
  5. BlueShadow

    The Buckeye Thread

    Without a picture, I can't say for sure. It does sound like it might be a roo. When you look at them, does that one always look different to you? I can say that I wasn't too sure on my birds, I went back and forth on some for awhile. By 12-14 weeks, I was pretty confident.
  6. BlueShadow

    The Buckeye Thread

    Since everything I thought was a roo is changing into a pullet, I just went ahead and moved all the Buckeyes out of the meat bird growout pen and back into the brooder shed. Hah! Now it looks like my problem is going to be only having 3 roosters to pick 2 "keepers" from. Much better problem...
  7. BlueShadow

    The Buckeye Thread

    Rooster? Pullet? I know I posted pictures of this bird last week but I still can't decide. The comb is well developed, it just is not very dark.
  8. BlueShadow

    The Buckeye Thread

    I haven't butchered birds as young as 14 weeks before. It's an experiment based on the advice of some people in the meat birds forum, that 14 weeks is optimal balance between feed consumption, carcass size, and carcass quality. I may not butcher all that young, but a few (the hatchery Buckeye...
  9. BlueShadow

    The Buckeye Thread

    Thanks for your thoughts! I also thought pullet and 2 cockerels. I had originally sorted that pullet out with the cockerels, and then yesterday I was watching them and I was pretty sure that it was a "she" and should get moved out of that pen. I am glad to hear that their combs look big for 9...
  10. BlueShadow

    The Buckeye Thread

    A few of my chicks. You all can play "pullet or cockerel?" with me if you want, or "are these good representations of the Buckeye breed?" or even "are these developing appropriately fast for the Buckeye breed?" 9 weeks old. Sorry not all the side views are very good, I tried to tell them to...
  11. BlueShadow

    The Buckeye Thread

    Yeah, I thought it was pretty funny! I didn't really like the rooster because I couldn't trust him alone with the kids, but I would not have wished him as terrible of an end as he gave himself.
  12. BlueShadow

    The Buckeye Thread

    The happenings of this morning, as related by my 3 year old: "Most of your chicken birds didn't have a problem, but one of your chicken birds did have a problem." "Oh? Which bird was that?" "The rooster!" "What problem did the rooster have?" "The DIED problem!!" The rooster got his head stuck...
  13. BlueShadow

    The Buckeye Thread

    @Minniechickmama I am THRILLED to report that I examined all of my chickens yesterday and I found no lice on any birds. A few did have reddened skin beneath their fluffy butt feathers, but I figure lots of things can cause that and skin takes a little while to heal. It's been two weeks since...
  14. BlueShadow

    The Buckeye Thread

    Is this hen starting to molt? This is her first year laying, hatched last May, didn't start laying until January. Isn't it early to start molting? I am trying to thin my flock just a little, get rid of the least productive hens. This hen is top of the list. Trouble is, its not for egg...
  15. BlueShadow

    The Buckeye Thread

    I don't see any chipmunk stripes on the Buckeyes. A few have darker spots on their heads. Several of them do seem to be lighter, a more golden color. I am excited to see how they look as they grow!
  16. BlueShadow

    The Buckeye Thread

    Just hatched a few Buckeye chicks! There is more color variation than I expected. Some are quite a bit darker than others. Is that normal, or did I perhaps hatch an egg from one of my Barnevelder hens by mistake? Also, some have dark spots on their head. Is that a variation of color, or is...
  17. BlueShadow

    The Buckeye Thread

    My cockerel is the same age as yours. About 2 months ago, he went through a stretch where he would not move out of my way, and he acted aggressive toward my toddler once. Each time he misbehaved, I tossed him out of the coop so he could cool off for a few hours. Then I fixed my behavior and...
  18. BlueShadow

    The Buckeye Thread

    Thank you! I will look up that book and read it. I caught and palpated a couple of hens this morning, and am as confused as ever. The Barnevelders, who I am certain are not laying very well at all because of the color of the eggs I get, had wide (and maybe flexible?) pelvic bones, just the...
  19. BlueShadow

    The Buckeye Thread

    I guess a few do seem to have a bit more pale combs than the rest, but I would consider all of them red. I have felt pelvic bones before, just used the width. Do they really get "flexible" in good layers? I am picturing that when I palpate the pelvic bones, I can feel them stretching a little...
  20. BlueShadow

    The Buckeye Thread

    I like my Buckeyes but they are frustrating me when I try to tell who is laying. I usually look at combs and wattles to give me an idea of who is laying, but that's a lot more tricky (impossible?) with Buckeyes. Can anyone give me tips on identifying which birds are laying?
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