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  1. hellbender

    The Buckeye Thread

    The eggs are not dark brown but there is no confusion...they could be described as dark tan but NOT white and I don't recall any tinted eggs. Jason
  2. hellbender

    The Buckeye Thread

    The hatchery Buckeye pullets/hens do lay very well, just not especially large eggs.
  3. hellbender

    The Buckeye Thread

    Our hatchery Buckeyes don't lay large eggs, they simply do not. Can't speak to the SOP birds. Only from what I hear, they might lay larger eggs but less often...again only based on hearsay.
  4. hellbender

    The Buckeye Thread

    In that case, based upon my experience, most Buckeyes have more than adequate meat if allowed to mature and are cared for properly. We have hatchery birds and they are more than meaty enough to work with and I can only assume the SOP birds might be even more so.
  5. hellbender

    The Buckeye Thread

    It is true. several conditions could have lent to your cockerel being overly running hens and running from other cocks. We closely confine all birds meant for slaughter and feed them a finishing ration for at least 30 days and often 2 extra weeks #1Son
  6. hellbender

    The Buckeye Thread

    AAAHHHH...there's seems to be something a'foot
  7. hellbender

    The Buckeye Thread

    Nope...just planning to check things out.
  8. hellbender

    The Buckeye Thread

    We're gonna' try to make the Marietta Show...only about 2.5 hours from my house and that includes quick breakfast stop! It will be our first and will be very exciting, no doubt! EDIT: @Blueface, if you and I both make this show, I'll be very happy to finally make your acquaintance. Very good...
  9. hellbender

    The Buckeye Thread

    Be patient...
  10. hellbender

    The Buckeye Thread

    They are very handsome birds. One thing else I noticed...I think I'd trim those 'eye-pokers' on the gate before they cause serious damage...Just thought I'd mention it.
  11. hellbender

    The Buckeye Thread

    One thing I have learned with both MY Buckeyes and Chanteclers...6 months is entirely too young to make absolute calls of the quality of a bird, over all. That's been my experience and I've notice some very dramatic changes in both breeds between 6 and 10 or 12 months.
  12. hellbender

    The Buckeye Thread

    No one seems to want to touch this but as a non-expert, I feel safe in saying it looks fine to me but if I were an APA judge at a sanctioned event...he would be very lonely in his cage of shame. For meat and problem but sticking to the SOP....I wouldn't have him near a hen.
  13. hellbender

    The Buckeye Thread

    It is unrealistic to expect extremely large eggs from any large 'dual' breed. Take what you can get (with in reason) and be happy with the trade-off of extra good helpings of meat. If I wanted very large eggs on a consistent basis...I would buy a flock High Quality White Leghorns...posted with...
  14. hellbender

    The Buckeye Thread

    Be careful what you wish for. The cornish don't have the body capacity to handle large eggs. If one were able to somehow increase the Cornish egg size, would almost certainly risk the prospects of the pullets/hens becoming egg-bound.
  15. hellbender

    The Buckeye Thread

    This of course could just be they way I think, but I have NEVER seen the percentage in buying hatching eggs from ANYONE. Even the most conscientious breeders can have an accident and for what is paid for the eggs and shipping, there seems to be more than a few dis-satisfied customers. Buying...
  16. hellbender

    The Buckeye Thread

    Pictures!!! You and I both. It's finally a beautiful sunny day here with highs to be around 68 to 70 F. Just hoping for a little co-operation from the birds!
  17. hellbender

    The Buckeye Thread

    The Chanteclers win out because of their color...making for a cleaner carcass for the finished capons. I like the Buckeyes just fine...even if my 4 cockerels wind up in the soup pot, the breed will still be well represented in my kids' flock because they love them. I do have have some rather...
  18. hellbender

    The Buckeye Thread

    Various breeds of chickens feather in at different paces. My Chanteclers have nearly fully feathered with just a couple cockerels coming in a bit slower. The Buckeyes are much slower (in MY birds) but from my limited experience with the breed, they will eventually bloom and be quite regal in...
  19. hellbender

    The Buckeye Thread

    I have 4 Buckeye cockerels that will be slaughtered in about one month and that will likely end any reason for me to have them around in the future. My family still plans to use them in their breeding project so I suppose I'll still have an opinion of them from time to time.
  20. hellbender

    The Buckeye Thread

    I've tried changing my avatar but my friends give me hell and say the Demented Rabbit perfectly suits me and the PMs and posts pile up about the subject so quickly, it's easier to keep it!
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