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  1. Delilah1337


    I live in Spirit Lake and need help. I have four 2 week old feather footed chicks with curled toes/ankles. I have been trying since day 3 to fix them but I'm having trouble. Is there anyone in my area that is able to help us? I'm using a mix of bandaids, toothpicks as splints, medical tape and...
  2. Delilah1337


    Foghorn Leghorn :) I used to watch that all the time with my Dad
  3. Delilah1337


    Who's going to the North Idaho State Fair? Im so excited to go tonight! Maybe I'll see some of ya there :)
  4. Delilah1337


    No problem, the girls didnt mind the haircut too much lol Can't wait to see the poster this summer
  5. Delilah1337


    Hi this is Natalie, I am meeting you tomorrow at my work to give you feathers, small world Will you post pictures of your daughters project when she is finished? Im curious to see what she is doing with them
  6. Delilah1337


    Well I started out with 5 hens last year then added a couple more a few months later. For Christmas I wanted an incubator so needless to say I am probably a little past full capacity They are just so darned cute it’s hard to say no when a friend asks if you want more eggs to fill the bator.
  7. Delilah1337


    Me too, now that I'm looking to redo my own coop it has gotten really bad. Before I met my boyfriend who is a serious hound hunter I never noticed dog boxes in the back of trucks. Now it seems like I see at least 3 a week driving down the road. Isnt it crazy that when we find a new passion we...
  8. Delilah1337


    Welcome to the fabulous world of chickens!! Im in Spirit Lake, it's nice having someone on here from the same area :)
  9. Delilah1337


    I got my girls from D and B (Government Way and Kathleen) last year and they are really healthy and happy. Now that Big R took over Im hoping the quality of birds stays the same. I also got a couple of EE's from a feed and farm store further up Gvt way near Hanley and they couldnt be any more...
  10. Delilah1337


    Quote: Awesome thank you! I may just take you up on that. Would you be able to collect 3-5 for my for Thursday? I like setting them on fridays so I can be home all weekend when they hatch. My boyfriends mom lives in that area on Ramsey so I could come to you no problem, thank you again...
  11. Delilah1337


    Quote: I have Golden Laced Wyondottes. I don't get many eggs right now and don't know if my roos are doing their job but you're welcome to a couple of eggs. And I'm just south of 54 between Spirit and Athol. Awesome thank you! I may just take you up on that. Would you be able to collect 3-5...
  12. Delilah1337


    Quote: I live in cocolalla I have barred rocks and black stars laying but they havent been very constant some days I get four and other I only get one how many eggs you looking for?? Well im just starting out with incubating so i probly only want 5 or so fertile egga for now. I can trade you...
  13. Delilah1337


    Does anyone near Spirit Lake have fertile eggs I could buy? Im looking for alot of different breeds of chickens so if you live under an hour away please let me know what you have. Im looking to start the incubator the week after christmas, the person I was going to get eggs from is really...
  14. Delilah1337


    Quote: Im in Spirit Lake, we used to live in Athol a few months ago. My BF's mom is in the middle of the two towns as well. Its nice knowing there's other chicken lovers so close to home...
  15. Delilah1337


    Me and the girls (7 Hens) live in the Rathdrum Spirit Lake Area.
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