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  1. S

    This is a very hard hobby to have at times.

    Today I bring better news. The snares worked PERFECTLY I caught a nasty old big male coyote who came in last night. He has since been dealt with. No birds injured. I will reset the snare this evening - probably going to keep them up 24/7/365. Also the babies are doing well.
  2. S

    This is a very hard hobby to have at times.

    4 replacements hatched on Friday, here they are with Abe and Gary coming to investigate. Also picked up 3 americauna pullets to join them in the brooder and teach them :-)
  3. S

    This is a very hard hobby to have at times.

    Not letting my guard down but no sign of the dog returning. The first batch of replacements is due to hatch on Thursday - only got 5-6 out of those. Put another batch in a week ago - those eggs are more fresh so should see hopefully more than a dozen. This fall it will unfortunately be time...
  4. S

    This is a very hard hobby to have at times.

    Alrighty after doing some google searches and youtube viewing I built 3 cable snares (legal where I live yay!) - hopefully this will catch the bugger! Will be awesome since I didn't spend but 3 cents to make them. (Modified pennies make the lock pieces) Probable gate access point: Setup for...
  5. S

    This is a very hard hobby to have at times.

    This time it did not enter the property. There is a ~2 foot space between the rear of the pen fencing and my neighbors privacy fence. So at least I already have a nicely constrained area for a trap / snare.
  6. S

    This is a very hard hobby to have at times.

    4 am attack - gone as soon as I stepped out the front door. One hopefully minor injury and evidence of it trying to dig into the pen. I am calling animal control today and seeing if they have a trap big enough - if not I'll call another company. I don't think there is any other way I will get...
  7. S

    This is a very hard hobby to have at times.

    Baby monitor works - now I just have to get to responding faster. No birds harmed, definitely disturbed from their sleep but no damage. Missed the dog by maybe 3 minutes according to the camera. I think I have the difference between normal nighttime movement of the ducks and alarm...
  8. S

    This is a very hard hobby to have at times.

    Don't worry I plan on keeping the baby monitor active. I have it in a ziplock bag tied to the pen fencing, even the slightest bump of the fence causes the parent unit to vibrate, beep and light up!
  9. S

    This is a very hard hobby to have at times.

    Purchased a baby monitor and so far - nada! (Well - unless you count Coors my reverse barred rock mix crowing at a train at 330 in the morning! ) Nothing on camera either. I can't decide if this is good or not - it seems like the dog has moved on since moving the turkeys out of reach; but I...
  10. S

    This is a very hard hobby to have at times.

    Just an update for you guys. The roost has been moved to the center of the pen. I stayed up late (and paid for it) on tuesday night - no show. My dog failed to wake me last night but the attacking dog also failed to get any turkeys as they were safely out of reach. So no success yet, but I...
  11. S

    This is a very hard hobby to have at times.

    I am pretty sure it is a stray or feral dog - definitely does not have a collar. I live next to 512 acres of woodlands and it appears to be on the lower end of the weight scale in the closer pictures. I only uploaded the best 2 out of the 129 picture the camera took. Hopefully I have time to...
  12. S

    This is a very hard hobby to have at times.

    Well you guys are not going to believe this - but here are pictures of the culprit. It reached through the fence and nabbed 2 off the roost last night. Another lesson learned - I am moving their roosts to the middle of the pen - AND OUT OF REACH - instead of the corner ASAP. There will be a...
  13. S

    This is a very hard hobby to have at times.

    Racoons can climb fencing, open any latches they can reach, rip apart wire they can grab and can sometimes work in a pack to reach through wire and grab birds. I've been avoiding electric fencing because my neighbor has a young son. I am going to plan on wiring the bottom and top of my pens now...
  14. S

    This is a very hard hobby to have at times.

    Friday night I had the worst predator attack in my short history of raising turkeys. I believe it was a racoon. 6 Initial deaths. 2 teenagers beheaded 3 (3 month olds) killed in various other ways 1 hen with an entire leg ripped off. And the worst thing I've ever experienced, a hen that was...
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