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  1. handyman42

    what dual purpose breed would you recommend?

    I've been reading up on Bielefelders for the last few weeks. I'm thinking I may bite the bullet and get me a starter flock from Omega Hills, Yea, it's $225 for 6 chicks but that'll keep you for at least a generation or 2 then buy you...
  2. handyman42

    what dual purpose breed would you recommend?

    I thought about going with a standard Cornish but already had quite a few Buff Orpington's and would have had to buy an entirely new flock to go with a Cornish flock. Maybe after a year or 2 with Buff's and then a swap. Or maybe keep my Buff's and just have an additional breed pen for some extra...
  3. handyman42

    what dual purpose breed would you recommend?

    I've gone with Buff Orpingtons. The cockerels grow at a respectable rate and the hens are great layers, (and would make good stew when they stop laying.) They're docile, and have great personalities and are pretty reliable as far as broodiness goes. Now if you're wanting more meat then eggs I'd...
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