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  1. Henny Penney

    Pending pickup - Porcelain Bantam d'Uccle Cockerel Rooster - Washington State

    They are lovely, but I am partial to chickens with red! (have had Old English Game bantams for over 30 years, but took in this Mille Fleur d'Uccle two years ago, an older rescue hen) I think I found a red/white Mille Fleur Cochin Rooster in Renton. Never had Cochins, they have no tails! Though...
  2. Henny Penney

    Pending pickup - Porcelain Bantam d'Uccle Cockerel Rooster - Washington State

    his gentleness might be perfect for Mille (as we call her!) as she was a 'rescue' hen and can be skittish. We got her for our older rooster, Studdily, when his last sweetheart died. Studdily was killed last night, a real heart break for us. He was the last of our English Game roosters. It is...
  3. Henny Penney

    Pending pickup - Porcelain Bantam d'Uccle Cockerel Rooster - Washington State

    thank you for replying. Have to think about it, I might be looking for a rooster/hen pair (there were a few listed on Craig's list) as my lone Mille Fluer hen is older and a young rooster by himself might be too much for her! He looks young and cocky! We are on the Olympic Peninsula but go...
  4. Henny Penney

    Pending pickup - Porcelain Bantam d'Uccle Cockerel Rooster - Washington State

    did your rooster get picked up and sold? Do you have any others? I have a lonely d'Uccle hen, here in WA. thanks.
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