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  1. sannabelle

    Lets talk about goats!

    Yaaaay!! Looks like the kooks is has served multiple purposes :lau
  2. sannabelle

    Lets talk about goats!

    Great minds.....;)
  3. sannabelle

    Lets talk about goats!

    I’ve also had good luck adding a bit of molasses to warm water. Not as a regular thing but if I’m wanting to make sure someone is getting fluids :):)
  4. sannabelle

    Lets talk about goats!

    Precious!!!! I had a kid born here that looked just like him last March. He’s a petting zoo goat now :lau:love
  5. sannabelle

    Lets talk about goats!

    We’re gonna need baby goat pics :love
  6. sannabelle

    Lets talk about goats!

    Super cutie :love. If you’re worried about him being cold outside you can always make him a little cave to snuggle in. Even when my kids are still with their mama I stick a box on its side or a storage tote and fill it with straw/old towels for them to bunker down in.
  7. sannabelle

    Lets talk about goats!

    My brother and sister in law are both yoga teachers and have asked about doing goat yoga out at our place! Maybe in the spring time with the spring kids, if we can waive the liability :eek:
  8. sannabelle

    Lets talk about goats!

    I hope no one ever gets stuck with them building a house!! :eek:
  9. sannabelle

    Lets talk about goats!

    At least what they've gotten done looks good!
  10. sannabelle

    Lets talk about goats!

    We added a new girl today! My midwife called me and one of her two Nigerians was being super duper loud and bugging her neighbors (residential-ish area), so I told her I'd trade her one of my doelings :) Introducing Delores Umbridge
  11. sannabelle

    Lets talk about goats!

    That looks great!!!! :celebrate What all are you doing inside of it? Just open space? Our goat barn has our milking stand inside it and a pen for the kids- I'm thinking about adding "shelves" in the spring for the goats to sleep on. Like big horizontal boards that come out from the walls with...
  12. sannabelle

    Lets talk about goats!

    Most farms I've seen look like that ;) I know mine does! Just means ya got a lot of projects going on!!
  13. sannabelle

    Lets talk about goats!

  14. sannabelle

    Lets talk about goats!

    We used cattle panels and 2 by 4s to make our pen! Nice and sturdy. The kid can get out of it when they're small enough, though- hahaha! Not a problem for us since we let them all free range around during the day anyways :)
  15. sannabelle

    Lets talk about goats!

    We added a new doeling this last weekend, love her so much we're buying her half sister this upcoming weekend :lau First picture is of the sister we haven't purchased yet :D
  16. sannabelle

    Lets talk about goats!

    I stick mine on the milking stand and let them munch away while I do their feet- as long as they have food they're usually pretty compliant!
  17. sannabelle

    Lets talk about goats!

    Lol!! I am constantly second guessing myself on that spelling!! I think I get it right maaaaybe 1/3 of the time :lau I'm not too concerned about bullying- I know dogs and goats are not the same, but I have lots and lots of experience with animal introductions of all sorts (from working in...
  18. sannabelle

    Lets talk about goats!

    We do! We have 6 Nigerian dwarves- two nannys, two 6 month doelings and two 6 month weathers. I also have a little 6 month old Nigerian/boer cross weather, but he's more like a dog than a goat :lau I want some larger breed goats as well- probably lamanchas, so I'm consider enlarging the pen...
  19. sannabelle

    Lets talk about goats!

    Beautiful spot for a goat shed!!! Ours is still a work in progress- there was a run down horse stable on our property when we moved here and we fixed it up for the goats- still has plenty of work that could be done on it though!!
  20. sannabelle

    Lets talk about goats!

    Poor girl. Sounds like she was just kind of neglected :( you'll have her all fixed up in no time I'm sure!! I wonder what they had her eating that her teeth grew out like that
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