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  1. KayTee

    Very worried - Chicken's feet and legs turned blue / grey - rhubarb poisoning or scaly leg?

    Ok - a week and a half later, and things are looking up. I realised that about two months ago I'd bought a different brand of feed, with slightly larger, harder granules, and I think that Blackie just didn't like it. I've bought a bag of the original stuff, and Blackie's eating a lot more than...
  2. KayTee

    Very worried - Chicken's feet and legs turned blue / grey - rhubarb poisoning or scaly leg?

    Update - finished the antibiotic injections ( - no problems), but didn't see any improvement - in fact now she has pink lumps in between each of her toes - visible on the top of her feet when she is standing. I haven't managed to get a photo yet, but it looks a lot like some of the other photos...
  3. KayTee

    Very worried - Chicken's feet and legs turned blue / grey - rhubarb poisoning or scaly leg?

    Thanks for all the comments and advice. I appreciate that antibiotics shouldn't necessarily be the first resort, but looking back at photos of my girls I realised that this may have been going on for a good few weeks, and I was worried that any home remedy I might try could prove ineffective...
  4. KayTee

    Very worried - Chicken's feet and legs turned blue / grey - rhubarb poisoning or scaly leg?

    Update - her legs are pinker today (still not completely normal), but I got my BH to pick her up so I could examine the bottom of her feet, and I took photos. Am I suffering my first case of bumblefoot? Just to note - If it is bumblefoot then I'm not up for cutting out the scabs - if I can...
  5. KayTee

    Very worried - Chicken's feet and legs turned blue / grey - rhubarb poisoning or scaly leg?

    The scales feel rough, but her legs also feel a bit puffy and soft - not smooth and hard like normal. It's worrying me, because I don't want her to get ill or suffer in any way - she's the tamest of all my chooks - talks to me and my husband, and comes up to be fussed over whenever we go into...
  6. KayTee

    Very worried - Chicken's feet and legs turned blue / grey - rhubarb poisoning or scaly leg?

    Hi, I'm worried about my 14 month old pullet - Blackie. She's always had normal pink legs and feet, but in the last few weeks I've noticed that they've started to turn a blue/grey colour - like the skin is dying or something. I picked her up this evening and felt her legs - they don't feel...
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