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  1. Gertrude McFuzz

    Vampire Slayer RP (Role Play)

    (I like them. Accepted.)
  2. Gertrude McFuzz

    Vampire Slayer RP (Role Play)

    Jenny shrugged, "No problem. It's what we do, right?"
  3. Gertrude McFuzz

    Vampire Slayer RP (Role Play)

    -She drained some and spread her blood among others. Her kind multiplied. Then came the Slayers…-
  4. Gertrude McFuzz

    Vampire Slayer RP (Role Play)

    "Cassie Grimm." said Cassie.
  5. Gertrude McFuzz

    Vampire Slayer RP (Role Play)

    Cassie made a face, "I don't know, but I've got a bad feeling about this."
  6. Gertrude McFuzz

    Vampire Slayer RP (Role Play)

    When the last vampires had been turned to ashes, Cassie wiped the blood out of her eye and turned to Jenny, "Who are you?" "Jenny Davidson. What's with the infinite vamps?"
  7. Gertrude McFuzz

    Vampire Slayer RP (Role Play)

    Cassie had a cut on her forehead. The blood was getting in her eyes. She threw a eucharist (Did I spell that correctly?) in a vamp's mouth and staked another. Jenny, a stake in each hand, was battling a hulking vamp built like an ox.
  8. Gertrude McFuzz

    Vampire Slayer RP (Role Play)

    Cassie jumped in, fighting like a wild cat, but they never seemed to end. Then - out of the blue - Jenny jumped in - a whirlwind of death.
  9. Gertrude McFuzz

    Vampire Slayer RP (Role Play)

    Cassie frowned at all the vampires. "Someone's been busy..." she muttered before returning to the fight.
  10. Gertrude McFuzz

    Vampire Slayer RP (Role Play)

    Cassie laughed and retrieved her bolt.
  11. Gertrude McFuzz

    Vampire Slayer RP (Role Play)

    "Like your shovel, don't ya?" said Cassie as her crossbow bolt buried itself in a vampire's heart.
  12. Gertrude McFuzz

    Vampire Slayer RP (Role Play)

    Cassie tensed. Then she turned with her leg high in the air, kicking the vampire behind her. He flew into a tombstone, but managed to grab her hand before she staked him. She punched him with her free hand and he let go. Quickly, she stabbed him, barely missing the heart. He shrieked and lunged...
  13. Gertrude McFuzz

    Vampire Slayer RP (Role Play)

    "Nice." said Cassie, laughing. "You've got to love Whack-A-Mole."
  14. Gertrude McFuzz

    Vampire Slayer RP (Role Play)

    A hand burst out of the ground. Cassie help the vampire up, plunging her stake into its heart.
  15. Gertrude McFuzz

    Vampire Slayer RP (Role Play)

    (Um... they wouldn't see any coffins, just graves {with coffins inside, of course}.)
  16. Gertrude McFuzz

    Vampire Slayer RP (Role Play)

    "Come on, out of the coffin and into the waiting point of my stake."
  17. Gertrude McFuzz

    Vampire Slayer RP (Role Play)

    Cassie strolled through the graveyard, "Heeere vampy-vampy-vampy..." she muttered.
  18. Gertrude McFuzz

    Vampire Slayer RP (Role Play)

    Cassie grinned at Kathryn, shouldering her crossbow, "Let's do some dusting." Jessie glanced at the sky, grinned, slung her bag of supplies over her shoulder and headed out. The boys grabbed their things. Logan rubbed his hands, "Come on. And this time, Gideon and I get a turn."
  19. Gertrude McFuzz

    Vampire Slayer RP (Role Play)

    (And vamps don't have wings, by the way.) Lily smiled at the boy. He grinned nervously as they walked up to his front porch. He opened the door. "Aren't you going to invite me in?" Lily purred. He blushed, "Yeah, come on in." She swept inside and came with him to his room...And rising up on...
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